Is wanting to look like this unreasonable? *picture*?!

Question: I don't mean the boobs.. but, the rest of the body.
Assuming I had a similar bone structure.. would it be possible to look like her:

Also, assume I'd need to lose about 90 pounds.
Is it do-able with the right amount of work? no slip ups? or should I settle for always having a bit more fat on my body..

Thanks a lot

Answers: I don't mean the boobs.. but, the rest of the body.
Assuming I had a similar bone structure.. would it be possible to look like her:

Also, assume I'd need to lose about 90 pounds.
Is it do-able with the right amount of work? no slip ups? or should I settle for always having a bit more fat on my body..

Thanks a lot

No, its not unreasonable, it will just take time and effort. You'll have to change your diet (the size of your meal portions and substitute in healthy alternatives [wheat bread for white bread, water for soda...]), and you'll have to exercise regularly (3-4 times per week for 45 min to start). But it is important to know that you must start slow and avoid burning yourself out, don't work out more than 4 times a week and don't drastically alter your diet. Just change the meal sizes and pick one thing to change (for me it was no more red meat) and then build from there once you are comfortable. I recently lost 75lbs but it took a little while and required some dedication. Starting out you should aim for consistency in dieting and exercise, not drastic measures. I believe you can do it.

How are you going to lose 90lbs without surgery? Even if you did lose that much weight, you'd have extra skin hanging off, so no you would not look like her. Sorry :(

Just settle and be happy with who you are.

if you need to lose 90 lbs to reach that goal, then yes, it is completely unreasonable.

there will be plenty and endless numbers of slip-ups if you're losing weight to look good. instead, try to aim for being the healthiest person you can be & it's scientifically proven that you have a significantly higher chance of achieving your weight loss goal.

& NEVER forget that these things take time!! you should not lose more than 2lbs per week.

That picture isn't REAL!!! That has been airbrushed, nipped/tucked, injected, and enhanced to the point of unrecognition. She's probably either not eating or taking drugs to look that way.

So, no. Its NOT possible to look like her.

It's not a good idea wanting to look like a picture. You can't tell what has been done to alter it.
If you have a different body-type and structure, you'll never look identical. If you are just overweight, losing weight will reveal what YOU look like underneath. Like the poster above wrote, don't lose weight too quickly, it will leave no time for your skin to adjust and leave it saggy.

Don't try to undo something in a few weeks when it has taken longer to get there.

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It is good to have a goal, but it isn't good for you (psychologically/emotionally) to set "looking like her" as a goal. A better goal to set for yourself would be to look like you only thinner and healthier--or to look like you, minus 90 pounds. (90 pounds is a lot to lose but it seems possible if you discipline yourself and know how to eat healthy.) She is pretty, but I'd ditch the picture of her and set a more realistic goal for yourself. Most thinner girls do not look like her in a bikini. Fat distributes itself differently for each individual and her proportions are simply unrealistic. (She probably weighs more than you think but is tall.) It is not her size that makes her so attractive, but the balance in proportions (and the huge boobs help). You could achieve that balance (by working out certain areas of your body) even if you don't weigh the same as her. Of course, this is speculation...but my main point is that you should never look to another person to determine how you should look....we are all very different and there are many different ways to be beautiful. =)

Well if you want to lose that much weight, I suggest you approach this in a good way. Lose weight gradually and take your time, but be disciplined about it as well. If you lose weight slowly then you wont have extra skin hanging.
I had a friend who lost 85 lbs in 1 year. He did a great job and hes even skinny now without any loose skin.

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