Loosing weight ASAP!!!!!!!?!

Question: oKAY IM 5'2 and I weigh 112 pounds. i really want to loose about 5 or 6 pounds by the end of April. What sort of diet should I do.
Please include what I should eat for breakfast,snacks,lunch,and dinner

Answers: oKAY IM 5'2 and I weigh 112 pounds. i really want to loose about 5 or 6 pounds by the end of April. What sort of diet should I do.
Please include what I should eat for breakfast,snacks,lunch,and dinner

Breakfast: 1 packet flavored quaker oatmeal, 1 cup fruit (I like to do pineapple or raspberries or strawberries)

Lunch: Chicken and vegetable stir-fry with 1/2 cup steamed white rice and a glass of skim milk

Dinner: Salmon or chicken with steamed vegetables and low or no fat cottage cheese

snacks: fruits

are you f*in kidding me?
people like you make me
sick!!! If anything, just maintain
your weight or gain those 5 lbs.
you don't need to lose anymore.

im 5'7 and wiegh 150 you r really healthy! but eat fruit veggies and un fattie meats fo a week and see how you feel after that...

You can go to
it's about weight loss program information.
Good luck

My field is in fashion, as a result many people ask me how they can slim down. My answer is always the same: good diet and exercise. But I found this great product (all natural) which I think helps a lot in the process (it's really good for detox, you'll feel much healthier). I recommend you check this website
http://slimhealth.info , they have a free trial and you only pay $4.95 shipping and handling. Good luck!

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