Stretch marks redder after dieting???!

Question: I started dieting and working out about 6 days ago, ever since my stomach feels tighter, but my stretch marks look bigger and are more visible, y?

I hate them, they're on my lower belly.....

Answers: I started dieting and working out about 6 days ago, ever since my stomach feels tighter, but my stretch marks look bigger and are more visible, y?

I hate them, they're on my lower belly.....

It happened to me too, my stretch marks are bigger and redder but I think that it is because the stomach muscles are starting to get tighter and so the stretch marks are going along with the rest of the skin tissue in getting toned. Like a plastic bag that has been stretched and then left on its own trying to get back to its normal shape but now the stretch marks are more visible.

I recommend using something with aloe vera or cocoa. I don't like the smell of cocoa that much but it has helped me a lot.

it might be cos your stomach is toning up.

use coco butter it helps stretch marks and scars and stuff.

Stretch marks are hereditary. Use cocoa butter to help fade them.

If you suddenly gained weight or lost weight, they become more visible. If your weight fluctuates a lot, they become visible. I have them and use cocoa butter.

Well if your toning then they are not as stretched as the once were so of course they will show more. It happened to me as well.

Curing stretch marks
Stretch marks are permanent in the sense that the skin in these areas will never be completely normal. However, after a time they contract down into much less obvious, thin, whitish scars.

Collagen creams claim that they will improve stretch marks. There is no evidence that they do so. In fact, collagen and elastin put onto the surface of the skin can not penetrate into the deeper layers.

Cocoa butter cream, which is available from pharmacies, is often recommended to soften scars, so might be worth a try.

Lasers can be used to treat stretch marks at an early stage, when they are still red. The red blood cells in the small blood vessels absorb the energy from the laser beam and convert it into heat, which then seals the blood vessels. This gets rid of the red colour and might speed up the contracting process, but is uncertain whether it will make any difference in the long run.

It costs several hundred pounds, and can not be done under the National Health Service in the UK. As with any cosmetic treatment, check that the clinic is reputable; your doctor can probably advise you, and look at the section on cosmetic surgery.

Tretinoin is another approach to the treatment of early stretch marks. There have been claims that this produces improvement, but other researchers have not found any effect (Cutis 1994;54:121

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