Can a person survive on a diet of nothing but Taco Bell?!

Question: And if so, what would happen to them?

Answers: And if so, what would happen to them?

Yes, and people are quoting Supersize me, but I don't think Taco Bell is nearly as bad as McDonalds... Taco Bell has some healthier choices. Not saying it's healthy, though.

I ate at Taco Bell ten times in one week once, and I turned out A-OK.

sure. They wouldnt last more than 40 years, but sure.

have you ever seen the movie "supersize me"?
theres your answer

watch "supersize me"

yes, but not for long

yes, i saw a documentary where someone did it with burgers.

taco bell has all the nutrional values you require in each food group.

yeah sure..............they can survive,but not for so long.

yeah, of course. Depending on what they ate there, and how much they ate they could keep a stable and healthy weight if they exercised, but you can get unhealthy no matter what you eat, if you don't exercise

if they ate taco bell, sure. you wouldn't live healthy but sure , infact everyone lives on fast food didn't you realize, most of the people live on fast food.

of course, but it wouldn't be healthy.

sure they could... just don't light a match... fast food makes you fart, haven't you watched Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back?

lol this one girl i know did, she kept losing weight every week eating taco bell three times a day seven days a week.

but i'm pretty sure she was just exaggerating or very lucky, cuz if someone were to do that, you'd blow up like a balloon and have a heart attack.

No, there are simply not enough vitiams and the food is not that healthy it would cuase serious helath problems atheroscrosis, Heart problems

Besides Taco Bell sticks anyways

they will die much sooner

Actually, it is possible. Taco-bell has a few very healthy things. They just introduced the "fresco" menu which is low cal. I replaced mcdonalds with taco-bell because I'm losing weight and I think I'm losing weight faster...

IDK! But I'd LOVE to try it! I LOVE Taco Bell!!

You can survive but you'd be unhealthy. As long as you got the supreme tacos with the veggies and bottled water instead of a pop, you'd be better off but still unhealthy. I don't suggest it plus I've heard some horror stories about Taco Bell so I prefer not to eat there.
I've seen supersize me (about mcdonalds) and that's pretty gross, the guy gained I think 30lbs in one month which is unhealthy and everything else went down hill fast and that was only 1 month.

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