Is it possible to lose 60lbs in 4 months?!

Question: it is possible but it would take extreme dedication not to mention depending on how much you weigh now you could do more harm than good losing that much that fast could cause an immense amount of lose skin around the arms and legs so doesnt make a lot of sense to be thing but have a skin suit hanging from you i would make a goal of 30 you would be surprised of how much 30 pounds actually is i would go more along the lines of how your clothes look on you as opposed to what the scale says i went on a diet and had planned to lose 45 pounds going by the scale but once i got to working out i went from a 16 to a 10 but only lost 25 pounds so i didnt worry with the other 20 i had originally planned to lose good luck

Answers: it is possible but it would take extreme dedication not to mention depending on how much you weigh now you could do more harm than good losing that much that fast could cause an immense amount of lose skin around the arms and legs so doesnt make a lot of sense to be thing but have a skin suit hanging from you i would make a goal of 30 you would be surprised of how much 30 pounds actually is i would go more along the lines of how your clothes look on you as opposed to what the scale says i went on a diet and had planned to lose 45 pounds going by the scale but once i got to working out i went from a 16 to a 10 but only lost 25 pounds so i didnt worry with the other 20 i had originally planned to lose good luck

besides liposuction its gunna be really hard with intense excerise and diet

it would be unhealthy..


not unless you kill yourself from an eating disorder. don't get any ideas, though.

its possilbe to lose 10lbs a week because of fat burning and so you can because celbirties can although they use surgical procedures

Yes it is. You are going to have to be very careful with what you eat and you are going to need a hard core workout program, but yes.

its possible but it wont be easy....lots of cardio and exercise, eating right, and sticking with it!!! GOODLUCK!!!

Would be difficultbut is possible

Lets look at it 60lbs in 4 months is 15 lbs a month so roughly 4 lbs or so a week. just take it one week/month at a time and I think youi can reach your goal/

I lost almost 70 lbs in 2 months in basic training, my buddy lost 35 lbs in 29 days in pre Ranger school. (MLCCC)

Yes- via Gastric bypass. However you defintly cant buy it on the shelves of the local supermarket. But I think you are not supposed to lose more than 1-2 lbs per wk to maintain a healthy weight loss. Which would be only 16-32 lbs in 4 mths. Running is def' the fastest way to burn.

go wheat free. No pasta, pizza, bread and so on. And no food after 7 p.m.
I know a woman who lost 60 pounds a month on it. She did nothing else!

healthy lose weigt about 5 lbs a month.

if you can lose 60 in 4 months, you weight might bouce back.

It will be difficult and you will need, literally, to spend about 4 hours a day in the gym with only 1 or 2 days off a week (on those days you should still do some t ype of physical activity). It is normal with exercise and a protein and fruit/veggie rich diet to lose 2 lbs per week. In 4 months, to lose 60 lbs, you are going to need to lose almost 4 pounds a week. (3.75 to be exact). I suggest doing it mathematically if you are really set on it. Figure out your Basal Metabolic Rate (you can google that to find the formula) which is how many calories you burn just by living a regular day w/o exercise. Then you make sure that the number of calories you put in your body do not exceed those you put out, either by the BMR or BMR + exercise. Good luck!

Yes very possible. THisis a reasonable goal just try to break it down to like 4-5 pounds a week or 15 pounds a month. Good luck to you.


POSSIBLE but not healthy AT ALL.
and the more weight you lose at one time , the more likely it is you will gain it back.

by losing small amounts of weight at a time, it will become more rutine for you so you wont end up bindging.

a healthy weight loss is about 2-3lbs a week.

yes with gastric bypass surgery. i know some one that did it.

totally possible.... if you weigh 300+

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