How can Cheese Pizza be that bad for you?!

Question: Now I know pizza is considered a high fat food. And I understand with pepperoni and other meats on it, it becomes greasier. However what about just plain cheese pizza? Cheese may have fat but it is healthy. Tomato sauce is healthy as well. Is it mainly in the bread? The dough?

Answers: Now I know pizza is considered a high fat food. And I understand with pepperoni and other meats on it, it becomes greasier. However what about just plain cheese pizza? Cheese may have fat but it is healthy. Tomato sauce is healthy as well. Is it mainly in the bread? The dough?

Cheese is not only healthy but also very high in fat depending on the type.Plain Cheese pizza can be very greasy!It all depends on how you get it made & who makes it!Remember regular pizza is high on calories no matter what kind it is!

lots of fat

I love pizza

Well it depends on how much cheese they use. like don't get "extra cheese". that's unhealthy.

it is not healthy and has alot of fat

greese!!!! :D

Just for the fact that cheese might lead to constipation

No its not because they use oil on everything!!!

1 slice is 500 calories of carbs and fats together, its too much...

it's the grease they use to cook it.

its because the cheese contains alot of fat.

dont ask me:)


Its processed cheese- Canned tomato sauce (SALT SALT SALT)

Pizza is bad for you. It can be made healty- but anything like pizza hut or dominnos... FATTY STUFF

But SOOO good :P

too much of a good thing isnt always good for you. to much cheese is very fatning and u wont be able to ca ca poo poo for a while

Lots of fat and empty calories. everything in it is mostly fake. just a bunch of frozen cheap stuff

cause you end up eating 3 or 4 slices



i love pizza

Sat fat, trans fat.

it's from cheese, cheese comes from cows and cows has fat?

Cheese comes from cows, happy cows come from California cheese,

cheese is high in fat

holy salt!

Too much bread can put on weight and also too much cheese can make you constipated.

ummm i think its mostly the dough that makes it bad.... and cheese is bad if you have too much.... but overall i'd say cheese pizza isn't that bad if you eat it in moderation...

its all of the extra crap that they put on it, MSG, lots of bad stuff. ICK.

Greasyness.. HEART... fat.. i like cheese pizza but still....

if you eat it alot, then yes,

the dough is white, which is not nearly as good for you as whole wheat. thats why it may taste better to you. plus there is alot of oil and preservatives and salt in cheese pizza. in the sauce there is plenty of sugar.

too much cheese isn't good for you, its a fatty dairy food, the bread (on some pizzas) is also greesy.

it must be the dough because the dough very very greasy

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