How can I loose 5-10 pounds in only one week?!

Question: I have an exercise bike and weights. I want to loose weight without spending any money. Thanks.

Answers: I have an exercise bike and weights. I want to loose weight without spending any money. Thanks.

i advise you to drink green tea 1-3 glasses per day is enough
green tea speeds up your metabolism
drink lots and lots of water 8 glasses each day.
do not snack
do not eat 6 meals a day, try to only eat 3
if you are really hungry and you've had all your daily meals snack on fruits ( oranges, apples, bananas )
exercise more try and run for at least 30 minutes a day
get more active eg: instead of asking your mom to pass you the remote control get it your self it does count as extra exercise
get more sleep it prepares your body
stretch, yes it works and it doesn't just help you lose weight it helps with you're growing to make you a little taller
count your calories try to stay under the amount of 1000 calories per day
change you're lifestyle it makes a difference
do not eat candy or chips eat more greens or protein bars
avoid fast food and cut out fried food tell you're mom when she cooks you're meal to oven cook you're food do not fry it
chew gum because when you chew gum you do not pick at food for example if theres some chips in you're cupboard you go to them a think good damn they look good then you would say no i cant pick at them because i dont wanna throw my gum away
do not eat after 6pm because before 6pm you can burn all you're food off and if you eat after six it will lay on you're stomach as you eat.
do not eat before you go to sleep
drink a glass of water before you go to sleep
drink plain hot kettle water because it speeds up you're metabolism
do not weigh you're self everyday because it torments you,weight you're self once a week ( every Monday )
good luck!
you can safley lose 2 to 3 lbs. a week

please can u tell me !!!xxxx

Jump up and down for a full hour every day - easiest way to loose weight!

cut off your arm

master cleanser diet...look it up !

Take a colon cleansing drink. It's like a protein powder but it makes you crap out all the mess in your body. Drink a gallon of water per day. Speed walk for an hour straight everyday. Don't eat after 7PM. Eat a big breakfast, OK lunch, ok dinner. Nothing after 7. Have a full glass of water as soon as you wake up.

You can't, not really, It's way too much weight to lose in a week. The most that you can expect to lose and keep off in a week is about two lbs, and that is considered a lot. Anyone here who claims to you that you can is not telling you the truth and any "quick fix" that is offered will not be a permanent loss.Just do at least thirty minutes of cardio every day and your weight training and monitor what you are eating and you WILL lose weight; just not that fast. Good luck and hang in there!!

Cut down fats, and run a few miles a day. Thats the quickest, easiest answer :)
Usually when starting a diet in which you eat 6 times a day and excercise, your metabolism goes up, and that helps burn fat quicker.
If you are slim though, dont over do it and keep your body well fed ;)

Make your self puke, take laxitives, starve yourself, liquid diet, lypo, and or commit suicide. You'd look damn good as a skeleton. You can't lose 5-10lbs in a healthy way. Eat less food/calories. Exercise for 2 hours a day. Morning and after dinner. Snack less at some popcorn or a fruit bowl.

i don't know if that's you in the picture but if you're that young don't do any of the things that these people told you to do. If that's not you then.... if you want to lose weight for party or something, eat almonds they make you full with a few and lose your appetite, then drink A LOTTT of water. use your exercise bike but not the weights(muscle weighs more than fat).

In one week you wont lose fat youll lose muscle but you can do it..

have between 500-900 calories a day, and excersize (cardio) for an hour a day drink 8 pints of water..

youll notice the weight loss in a day or two -

diet plan for one day =

Apple and black tea/coffee (60kcal)

boiled egg and one peice of toast - no/small amount of butter (200kcal)

small glass of milk (50kcal)

low fat/calorie yoghurt - mullers good (100)

banana and tea/coffee (100)

salad no dressing or crutons (60)

thats 570kcal in one day, its better to snack throughout the day then have 2 small meals.. plus with a diet plan like this you wont feel so hungry all the time.

plus I really wouldnt advise this diet for long term use!!

I have lost 5lbs in 1 week by doing this !

it helps alot, but then you get obsessed and dont eat !

get up in the morning DON'T EAT it only makes u more hungry

exercise by running for an hour then with ur ipod dance to music for about an hour then at 5-6pm eat a meal like breakfast cerial and an apple make sure you use low-fat milk and have breakfast cerial like alpen

do that for a week and then you will loose about 5-7 lbs

YIKES! NOT healthy! If you have to lose 5-10 in one week.....first of all just know you WILL gain it back cause it is not healthy to do it. DIET and EXERCISE work best! However.......water weight! Go into a sauna fully clothes. SWEAT off the water weight. BE SURE to have a friend or family member w/ you (outside the sauna) or inside w/ a batheing suit on.....this is incase you pass out!

all u got a do is drink water when your hungry and exercise 2 hours a day
thats what my trainer said


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