Why do I lack energy?!

Question: 1) Lack of a vitamin
2) Diet
3) other??

Answers: 1) Lack of a vitamin
2) Diet
3) other??

actually alot of people lack energy from something simple as iron try that but be careful you can overdose per say on it. so check with your doctor to see how many mg you should be taking.

Maybe you eat too little, OR a very likely suggestion, you have an iron deficiency. One of my friends does, and she's always tired, even when she sleeps a lot.

raw vegies and fruit are good.

There are many many things to make you lack energy. Depression, lack of sleep, not eating healthy, anemia, flu, diabetis. You really haven't given near enough information about yourself. You might try to take a good quality multi vitamin plus minerals once a day. If the lack of energy continues, go see your doctor for any medical reasons.

If your iron numbers are good and you are eating plenting of fruits and vegetables than it could be lack of exercise. Get outdoors for a brisk walk and see if it helps.

This is a hard question to answer...but I have one answer that may encompass the solution...that is:
It could be a result of unbalanced and unhealthy eating choices/ diet.
Or just lack of rest...
Either way if you make small improvements to your 'Lifestyle' which can eliminate these factors, then I'm sure you'll be ready to take on the world in no time...GoodLuck!! :)

all these are good answers but have you herd of mononucleosis tired ness all the time is a symptom so is swollen
lymph nodes go to doctor see what they say

What is your sleep schedule like? Your stress load like?? Do you drink lots of caffeine or intake a lot of sugar to where u might be having a sugar crash at times? There are a lot of factors that could contribute to lack of energy. Need more info.

You should be exercising instead of sitting in front of the computer.

Iron is very important for being healthy, keeping up your energy levels, and many other functions.

Women, especially, have problems with LOW iron since IRON is found in RED blood cells... and women in their mensturation years are regularly depleating their supplies due to the menstration.

During my college days, I was constantly fatigued, and I went to the doctor. She informed me of this problem and told me to take an iron supplement (does NOT need to be MORE than the "Recommended Daily Dose"... in fact too MUCH can be a problem!) or a "daily multivitamin WITH IRON" every day.

From that time on, the fatigue has never been a problem.

For more information, see some of the listed articles at the WebMD site below.

Have a healthy day.

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