I am 11 stone and i need to lose a little wieght what is the best way doing exer!

Question: i carnt think of any thing can you help me ~???? thanks for readin

Answers: i carnt think of any thing can you help me ~???? thanks for readin

Don't bother with faddy diets, pills or crap like that. The ONLY way to lose weight healthily and keep it off is a low fat, low salt diet, and regular cardio exercise. Sorry to say it hon, but you have to put the effort in to get the weight off. I used to think I could eat what I liked and did hardly any exercise, but as I've got older I've come to realise that 30 mins exercise 3 times a week is the only way to keep my weight down, without doing something stupid like starving myself. Might not be what you wanted to hear, but any decent health professional would tell you this.

11 stones is a decent weight, unless you are only 4 ft 2.

And exercise DOES work. It is a simple matter of the laws of physics and conservation of energy. If you use more energy than you consume, you will weigh less, and this is the safest way to lose weight, just don't expect to lose large amounts quickly.

RUSS 1 stone = 14 pounds. eg 11 stones = 154 pounds. English imperial measurements.

Ask your doctor they can/will help you.


You are what you eat !

what the hell is 11 stone? is that some flinstone measurement for weight. have you tried eating less food? and excersize works

its a simple accounting equation less calories in than you use weight comes off exercise will help if you do enough

exercise will work but it wont work over night.
don't eat crap like kit kats and crisps eat lots of fresh veg and fruit. go for walks and take your time it will happen

You have to burn more calories than you eat so diet and exercise is the only way. i lost 5 stones recently .

Cardio work, lots of it. Rock climbing,join a club it really rips the weight off you. Swimming bulks up your muscle so be careful of what sport and diet you work with.

the thing you have to remenber about excersing is that it turns fat to mussell and mussell weighs more than fat.

so try measuring your self in inches once a week ( upper arm , waist , bust, calfs and thighs ) as you may find that although your not losing weight but you are losing inches and your body shape is changing

excercise alone is no good if your not eating healty aswell

good luck

try a diet it helps a little

Exercise does work - just unfortunate that you need to really burn calories in order to lose weight and this really is hard work..

Simple rule - your body needs calories in order to get the energy to function.. if you require more energy than you intake (ie you cut back and exercise more) your body will start using up its reserves - that'll be the weight you want to shift..

BUT and it is a big BUT - your body will go into emergency mode if you over do it - the old eat nowt and exercise constantly mode is as bad as the eat too much/not exercise enough mode..

Solution?? Eat a healthy diet - 1200 calories is plenty and then exercise loads - I have NEVER been a gym member - that just lines the gym's pockets.. what to do is count your calories and exercise at home.. dance when the mood takes ya but especially I find running up and down the stairs during ad breaks and doing lots of sit ups does the trick - be disciplined but not anal about it and you will lose.. do chuck out the scales though..

If you get a duff reading it will demotivate you and if you get a great one you will probably go over the score.. good luck!!

I am 5'2 and was 11 stone 8 back in November, i am now 10 stone 1 :)

I haven't done any exercise at all.

I just stuck to 1200 per day... eating whatever i feel like.

Its quite easy really when you have set meals. I eat a lot of ready meals and i can see how many calories are in them, they do some nice healthy ones now.

Also, if i am having a good day and don't feel like eating much - i won't - and then i can have something a bit more.

Like today, i didn't eat until 5pm because i wasn't hungry, and then i had a thai red curry meal with half a naan bread which is about 800 calories. I think i'll have a toast before bed too.

The first two weeks will be hell but then you start seeing a change in the scales and it becomes easier.

Try to drink lots of warm drinks and include beans and egg whites as they keep you filled up for ages.

You must eat less and remember,exercise can build muscles and muscles WEIGH,keep it up.

Don't know of any use but eating from a smaller plate. Not snacking between meals. Don't eat after 7.
Exercise in a way you can enjoy. ie. walk when possible. At 11 stone you have control to make a difference in a very short period of time.Your smart enough to really recognise what is bad for you. I figure a' LITTLE 'of what you like is good as it keeps you satisfied and you will probably do it anyway .

simply put the only way to loose weight is to burn or loose more calories then you are takeing in. Simple as that.

You can either eat less or excercise more.

I am suprized that you say excercise doesnt work- it does burn calories to excercise, make sure you are doing the right types of excercise though, no amount of sit ups will make you loose weight, you need to be running and jumping around to burn calories. Join circuit, step and aerobics classes, ask at your local gym for advice, but do the right excercise and you will loose weight.

You also need to watch what you eat: if you dont change your diet to eat less, how do you expect to loose anything? you need at the very least to keep it the same as you work out, and at best reuce it, do not add to it.

There are some foods you can swap around that will help you, it changing refined stuff for wholegrain or natural stuff (eg bread, pasta...etc) and eat atleast 5 portions of fruit and veg, but eating 9 will help you even more and is even a recommendation by the world food organisation, 5 is good, 9 is apparently perfect, and will also fill you uo so you eat less calories dense foods.

Best advice? if you have the money get a personal trainer and your meals delevered to you everyday.

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