Why do I have Bad Gas?!

Question: I fart without even knowing it. Very quiet, but a terrible smell. It happens every 10 minutes or so. I am eating a healthy diet, fruits vegetables, grains, 2 cups of milk at breakfast, 4 servings of meat a day.I am also eating a high fibre cereal right now, could that be the cause?

Answers: I fart without even knowing it. Very quiet, but a terrible smell. It happens every 10 minutes or so. I am eating a healthy diet, fruits vegetables, grains, 2 cups of milk at breakfast, 4 servings of meat a day.I am also eating a high fibre cereal right now, could that be the cause?

Go to the doctor. But have you been ill latley? that can cause it

I fart a lot too. i think its just how we are. be proud to be a farter. i have accepted it....

also maybe you are just nervous about something.

could be the milk (lactose intolerance) or even high fat foods. Maybe you eat like a pig and swallow a lot of air as you gulp down your food? You have a cleft lip letting in extra air when you swallow?

fiber gives you gas and makes you poo yes that is it

yes all of it could cause that.. a lot of vergetables cause gas.

This problem can usually be reduced by adding fiber gradually over a period of several weeks.

Lost of different foods can make you fart. I you are not used to a high fiber diet that could be alot of it esp if you are eating fruits which is more fiber. Eggs and Milk can also cause alot of excess gas! I would tone down on the milk and see if that helps.

eat flowers so that they wont smell so bad i think they will be healthy for u to bc there all natural

could be with acid and problems digesting things well. try yogurt and things thatmake you regular

Could be the high fibre cereal..but you need and emergency dose of Gas X. I understand your problem as through the night I build up and unbelievable amount of gas. Come morning I can bellow out the National Anthem with proper cheek manipulation. My son sez I sound better than his tuba.

It happens often, especially to teenagers. Men and women are equally susceptible.
Fibre provides bulk in the colon which may make bowel movements more common, but not necessarily cause gas. Many vegetables contain carbohydrates that are not easy to break down and so are converted to odourous gases.
There could, however, be a problem with your digestive tract if you are farting every 10 minutes, so I suggest you see your doctor.
Finally, I would like you to realize that gas is not produced by your body, but by the bacteria that break down what the body cannot.

if ur eating 2 much fiber then that could definitely b the cause. try 2 vary ur high fiber cereal...like eat that 1 day and then the next eat another type of cereal. that helps me out because i also eat high fiber cereals

You may be getting too much fiber in the diet. Believe it or not you can actually have too much. 25g a day for women and around 35g per day for men, so check the fiber content of what you are eating and make sure you're not getting too much as this can actually lead to bowel blockages. With any high fiber diet, you need to increase your water intake, as fiber binds to the water in the bowel and removes it in the toilet. You must replace this fluid. Other causes of flatulence is cause by digestive upsets, but because your diet sounds pretty healthy, then it may be caused from all the fiber.


High fiber diet will cause gas.

Certain veggies will do it and fiber too so yup that is probably the cause carry air freshner with u :)

I'd cut down on the milk. dozens of precious enzymes are destroyed in the pasteurization process. Without them, milk is very difficult to digest. The human pancreas is not always able to produce these enzymes; over-stress of the pancreas can lead to diabetes and other diseases.

Or it could be all the veggies. But why four servings of meat a day? you may want to cut down your whole diet all together.just my opinion, that just sounds like a lot of food.
Experiment and take out selected foods one at a time and see which reduces the gas?

dont listen to the advice "GO TO THE DOCTOR"

just fart you animal.

i doubt a high fibre cereal will be making you o.d. on fibre, unless its reallllly heavy duty. i think more likely it is the milk, up to 70% of the population has some degree of lactose intolerance, which can increase with severity over time.

try the process of elimination. start with the things you think may be the cause of it. try soy milk instead of full cream for a week and see if it improves, if it doesnt, try cutting out the fibre cereal, then another thing and another thing.

process of elimination is the only way you will be able to get the root cause.

good luck smelly =P

fiber, grapes, nuts, vegetables, drinking with a straw

You are eating something that disagrees with your system. Either you are allergic to grains, you are lactose intolerant, or you are eating the wrong combination of foods. Also your colon could be unclean. Be aware that fiber expands your intestines and can cause more gas then usual. Usually the smell of sulfretted gas comes from air passing fecal matter in the colon or rectum and the gas then has a foul smell. You need to clean your colon. I know the world is down on enemas but when suffering with this problem, plenty of vitamin C at night to flush the intestines clean each morning or a Fleet enema wash out before going out would minimize the passing of gas and almost completely eliminate the embarassing smell. Eat your food one item at a time and measure your response. For example eggs only at breakfast, grapes mid-morning, meat only at lunch, milk in the afternoon, meat for dinner with veggies such as carrots, parsnips, string beans, potatoes, etc. Avoid cruciferous veggies (broccoli, cauliflower, leafy greens, etc., temporarily), adding these one at a time to measure their effect on your body. ANY OF THE ITEMS MENTIONED ABOVE SHOULD BE USED ONLY ON THE APPROVAL OF YOUR PHYSICIAN (disclaimer). Good luck!

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