Does anyone know that cayenne pepper drink that people drink to burn fat?!

Question: Or what is it for? how do you drink it? pros cons? do you fast with it?

Answers: Or what is it for? how do you drink it? pros cons? do you fast with it?

There is NOTHING you can eat or drink to make you BURN fat. It might burn your throat (I mean, cayenne pepper? Seriously), but it won't burn any excess poundage.
You need a legitimate diet and exercise plan. You didn't GAIN the extra weight by drinking one thing -- you can't LOSE it that way.

I wouldn't even go there. In my experience it can make you very sick.

It's a fast from my experience. This is the one I tried once.

"2 Tablespoons lemon or lime juice (approx. ? lemon)
2 Tablespoons genuine maple syrup Grade B or C (Not maple flavored sugar syrup)
1/10 Teaspoon cayenne pepper (red pepper) or to taste
Water, medium hot
Combine the juice, maple syrup, and cayenne pepper in a 10 oz glass and fill with medium hot water. (Cold water may be used if preferred.)

Use fresh (organic) lemons or limes only, never canned lemon or lime juice nor frozen lemonade or frozen juice."

I couldn't stick to it. I tried, but the cayenne pepper was too gross. I could drink just the lemon juice I made, but the pepper made me want to gag when I added it.

Spicy food is considered a diet helper because it mildly upsets your stomache which will make you eat less.

Why not just add a few peppers to food that you eat. I use red pepper flakes. Sprinkle a few in my salad, when cooking I sprinkle in a few. It is the capisan in the peppers that helps burn fat. I think a drink would over do it.

the lemonade master cleanse diet?...yes you fast with it...cons: if your body cant handle it you could def. pass out. ive done it twice, i like it...but if you do try this, make sure you have a few days to devote to it, make sure you aren't doing anything really active until you know how you'll react to the diet..the first time i tried it, i did it for 4 days..but on day one i cheated and ate a few chips, but it was okay i still lost the weight, also i cheated the recipe lol, i brought a bottle of lemon juice, added a lot of water and a little sugar...i guess you can call it normal lemonade...oh and also drink lots of water...good luck... and you just drink a few glasses of lemonade a day...the diet says 8 8oz glasses, but i never drank that much

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