This might be a dumb question but i really want to know...?!

Question: Can you be anorexic and not know it? What i mean is...i havent been eating a lot this week because i have been really busy.

and then today i was telling my friends everything i ate the last week and they said i was anorexic.

being that i did not eat a lot does that make me anorexic- or does it mean nothing

i know anorexia is more in the head than in the physical stuff but is it possible to be an unconscious anorexic

Answers: Can you be anorexic and not know it? What i mean is...i havent been eating a lot this week because i have been really busy.

and then today i was telling my friends everything i ate the last week and they said i was anorexic.

being that i did not eat a lot does that make me anorexic- or does it mean nothing

i know anorexia is more in the head than in the physical stuff but is it possible to be an unconscious anorexic

If you haven't been eating a lot this week because you were busy, you are not anorexic.
Anorexics starve themselves, get skinny skinny, and when they look in the mirror they think they're fat. They start wearing baggy clothes, and are afraid of eating anything.

I do not believe that you are anorexic. But get back to eating normally.

Bless you. That was a great question. You deserve a star! :)

As long as you are maintaining your weight and staying healthy, then you are fine... just relax

Yeah it is possible. If you keep yourself busy and forget to eat then your unconsiouly being an annorexic!

I really doubt you are anorexic. Sometimes people don't have appetite but if your appetite doesn't come back after a few weeks I think I would be concerned myself anyway.

Anorexia is purposely starving yourself and not wanting to eat at all. Your friends are just joking with you.

no anorexia and a MENTAL DISORDER
you just have been busy and havnt gotten around to it
you arent ANOREXIC
you just forget to eat lol

BTW do eat a lil more.i heard a story where some guy dropped dead of starvation because he was workin so much and just FORGOT to eat, true story, can u beleive it?
dnt let it happen to u!

Anorexia Nervosa is a mental illness where a person is compelled to control every tiny morsel they consume, and they basically starve themselves to death.

If you've been too busy this week to eat, but you usually eat a pretty average amount, then there is no way you're anorexic. If you're not obsessing about what you're eating, and physically starving yourself, then you're not anorexic. You're just busy. Sometimes, people get busy and stressed and forget to eat. I know I do. I work 2 jobs and sometimes I eat lunch, finish work, then get to dinner and think "damn, I'm starving!" When you're busy with other things, sometimes you forget to eat. It doesn't mean you're anorexic.

Get smarter friends. Seriously. You're way to smart to hang out with morons like that. I strongly believe that if the person 'diagnosing' you with anorexia doesn't know what anorexia actually is, then you're better off without them.

About being an 'unconsious anorexic', most people with anorexia actually don't think they have a problem. They think their behaviour is normal, and believe that they are overweight. Work out your BMI (body mass index) on this website. If it's between 20 and 25, you're FINE.

Best wishes.

you "keep track of everything you eat", yet managed to "forget" to eat.....hmmmm.

Yeah, you know you are anorexic. Quit playing with people for will only make you sicker, and you know it.

if for the most part you eat nornally and just recentlyhaven't had much time to eat than no you're not. if your family is concerned than you should think twice. try an pack small snacks like fruit or a health bar. it's better than nothing. when I was in college I was so busy and focused that I didn't eat that much. I had to remind myself to eat lol. I'd be writing papers and snacking on an apple.
People can be real skinny and not be anerexic. people are too obsessed with deits and weight and people will feed on their own insecurities. it's very insensitive for your friends to point blank call you anerexic. a real friend would act concerned and ask questions and try to help and not say something that to someone that has a disease, would feel fragial and worse because of what they said. it's a very delicate subject so you need to tell your friends to be more respectful and sensitive towads you and not judgemental. it's not cool to treat you like that even if you weren't offended, it obviously stuck with you.
I'm sure you're fine, but if you want more reassurance ask your family what they have observed of your behavor. Anerexia is most about's about feeling that you can't control anything in your life, but you can control what you eat, and what you don't you don't eat. People will eat or not eat for emotional reasons, anerexia is a deep rooted disease and usually steams from family problems.
I hope this has helped.

well first its definitely nota dumb question. probably better addressed to a medical professional................sounds like u should be amking time to eat more.............even if ur busy..............
breakfast .cereal/fruit/juice / yogurt at least

lunch with soup/salad / bread roll
and something substantial in the evening
heres a good reference
read it...coz if ur not anorexic u may be on ur way............

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