What is the best diabetic exercise routine?!

Question: I walk 30 minutes everyday. I am trying to lose 10-15 pounds by May 10th. I had a c-section almost a year ago. I am below my pre-pregnancy weight, but I would like to lose those extra pounds. I was all belly during my pregnancy so any ab routine would be nice too. Any suggestions would be great.

Answers: I walk 30 minutes everyday. I am trying to lose 10-15 pounds by May 10th. I had a c-section almost a year ago. I am below my pre-pregnancy weight, but I would like to lose those extra pounds. I was all belly during my pregnancy so any ab routine would be nice too. Any suggestions would be great.

I have been diabetic for 20 years, and you kind of have to find your own nitch. I have a hard time loosing the belly. I use to run every night-but am pregnant now so that went out the door. So now I do what you do and I walk a good half hour a night. I also use one of those big balls for an ab workout. They provide more flex for your back and really work the sides as well as the front. But like I said you really need to just try new things and see what works for your body. What works for mine may not burn much in you. These are just suggestions. As a diabetic you can do any workout really, just make sure your bloodsugars stay in range both during and especially after, for an hour to two hours, when your bloodsugar might hit a low from the workout.

Good luck!

carry a fanny pack wherever you go

Swimming is good, taeboo,walking
anything is good

Hey good for you for getting your fitness on! haha, anyway I would suggest a mix between some hard core palates or lifting weights and cardio. Start on a Monday and maybe to a long walk or work on an elliptical for 30 mins to an hour. Then the next day do some work with weights or palates. I've noticed that my blood sugars often spike up after I take my pump off when I work out. If you have a pump and take if off I would recommend giving yourself around 2 units after your done to balance it all out..thats what worked for me.

Make sure you eat right and I would up your exercise routine a bit. In addition to the 30 minute walk, try adding a varying exercise routine each day for another 30 minutes. The problem with doing the same thing every day is your body gets used to it and you plateau in your weight loss. Do something for example:

Monday: 10 minutes of stairs
20 minutes of crunches
Tuesday: 20 minutes of biking
10 minutes of sit ups
Wed; 10 hand weights
20 jumping rope
Thurs: 30 Yoga
Fri: 10 Minutes stretching
10 minutes lunges
10 minutes squats

any exercise is good. because of other problems most
routines are out for me. i can still walk and do. it will not
get weight off fast, but it will help keep your numbers even.
i have noticed that when i skip a couple of days my numbers
go up. keep doing anything active and good luck.

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