How many donuts does the NYPD consume on average per day?!

Question: Donuts are like the beat cop's equivalent to spinach for Popeye!

But seriously, these guys are out there putting their lives on the line for public safety and I'm sure they don't get paid enough to do that, so if they want a donut or two once in a while it's their right.

But even more seriously, there are 36,137 sworn officers on the NYPD, and I'd say probably maybe less than 25% eat a donut once day, so I'd estimate the figure at around: 9,030 - or 752 dozen donuts per day.

Answers: Donuts are like the beat cop's equivalent to spinach for Popeye!

But seriously, these guys are out there putting their lives on the line for public safety and I'm sure they don't get paid enough to do that, so if they want a donut or two once in a while it's their right.

But even more seriously, there are 36,137 sworn officers on the NYPD, and I'd say probably maybe less than 25% eat a donut once day, so I'd estimate the figure at around: 9,030 - or 752 dozen donuts per day.

Don't diss the NYPD.

Why?Do you eat donuts everyday?Why would they be more apt too?Don't stereotype policemen.

My husband (who was a great police officer, loved the job and was never on a power trip) used to drive the local Dunkin Donuts people crazy when he'd pull up to the drive-thru window and ask for a diet soda - that was all - no donut, just a diet soda - and he always paid for it too.
(btw, your question does come off as a wee bit derogatory - remember-they are out there to help you when you need them - and if they happen to be walking a beat, having gotten a donut at the shop next to where you just got shot.....lucky you - they'll call the paramedics and perform CPR keeping you alive until they get there....)

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