Does running regularly lose weight acroos the whole body?!

Question: Does running regularly lose weight acroos the whole body!?
Does it lose weight across the whole body or just tone up the legs!?

I'm dieting and plan on running at least 3 or 4 times a week for an hour each time but dont know if it will help me lose weight where i need to!.!.!. (the gut area)

I dont have a lot to lose but ust want to know if running alone will do that or should i incorpoarat something els!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

Running regularly helps the whole body - for every part of your muscle is exerting to the movement of the pavement!. But, for the stomach area you must do sit-ups!. If your eating late at night, or drinking beer it's not good for the stomach!. Because the food has not been digested properly and it just sits there until the morning, and then to eat breakfast on top of that, over time it will put your "gut" into a basketball shape!. Everything, in moderation - so for those tough areas you must focus on it with a different exercise!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

yes it does!. giving your whole body definition!. not to talk of increased stamina!. running is great!. for abs you can also try kickboxing!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Eventually if you lose enough weight it will affect your gut area!. You can't spot reduce so crunches will tone up your abs but you will still have to lose the weight to get definition!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Weight loss will be all over but muscle formation in the area of legs!.

Eat only when hungry and not more than three times a day!. Include plenty of vegetables and fruits in ur food!. Eat slow, chewing each morsel at least 32 times!. This activates ur body to send signals that u have enough!. No snacks or drinks in between except water!.

Take light exercises and walking for about 30 min every day preferably twice a day!.

Be patient to see the results in hassle free mode in reasonable time!.

This regime cud be continued even after achieving the target to maintain a healthy body!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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