How do I loose weight fast?!

Question: How do I loose weight fast!?
im looking to lose about 10 pounds quick and fast!.!. what would make me drop weight! i need to look okay in a bathing suiteWww@Answer-Health@Com

Weight loss is a very different process for each individual person!. One thing to remember is that on a day to day basis the muscles in your body tend to adapt to your physical activity!. This means that if you walk around all day, your body will treat walking as just a daily routine!. Now if u take a long walk or a slow jog in the park for exercise purposes, you will have poor weight loss results beause your target muscle group can easily tolerate this activity!.
The proper way to lose a quick ten pounds would be to learn a few exercises that you can do at a high rate that have nothing to do with your normal routine!. This will burn calories at a higher rate because the new muscles will tire quickly and need to be repaired!. This is what causes a quick jump in metabolism!. The body is in high demand for nutrients and will attack loose fat and use it as food for the tired muscles!. "Confuse" or "trick" the body into a whole new healing state!. Attack the muscles that dont get used and do it "high repetition" at a "low weight!." Search exercises that involve helping strengthen the back which is full of large and small muscles that are rarely used!. ***Exercising the same muscle group will tend to waste time and energy!.
Once you have a new workout try going through at a good speed in order to keep a high heart rate!. Heart rate is key! Heavy breathing, sweat, and muscle soreness are all common during a proper workout!.
Its always good to work out with a partner in order to perform exercises with proper posture to avoid injury!.
3-5 times a week!. 30+ min daily!.
Be sure to always warm up properly, and stretch when you are done!Www@Answer-Health@Com

It is nasty as heck but I am doing the cabbage diet and I have lost 10 pounds and I am on day five of the seven day diet!. Just type in cabbage diet if you are interested!. Not good if you are anemic!. hich I am I have beeen taking suppplements for my iron and vitamin c!. I don't feel tired or anything!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I find cutting calories to between 1000 - 1200 just for a few days will shift a couple of pound!! Only for a few days as your body needs at least 1500 a day when dieting!!
A good spray tan also decepts the eye making you look alot slimmer!!!!Www@Answer-Health@Com


Don't eat nothing for 2 days at a time!. If you want to loose it the right way!. Eat the right food, drink alot of water and cardio your A$$ off, run alot jump alot, sit up, crunch, squat, pushup!. If you want to loose it in time for the beach, spend an hour or 2 every day of that stuff and it will be gone in no time!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

stop drinking soda

burn more calories that you take in

thatl fixx ya upp

and also tone you uppWww@Answer-Health@Com

Ok so my dad got sick for a week and lost 20 pounds, but I would NOT recomend that!. OK what you want to do, and this is what I did, is wake up have breakfast (cereal fruit something thats healthy) than get a bike and bike a minimum of 4 miles!. Its easy!. Than run at least 2 miles!. Take a rest and drink a lot of water!. If you have a treadmill you can use that for running!. After this have a good lunch to fill you up!. Then get weights and lift some this makes you stronger and it helps you lose weight!. You should do this everyday for 5- 7 days!. p!.s!. diets dont work!. Just have a healthy breakfast lunch and dinner, and exercise!. Believe me I lost around 15 pounds in a week!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

first you find out the Body Mass Index first
if it is over weight range or obesity range then only you have to reduce your weight!. In general to reduce weight you have to avoid taking much fatty matters, rice items !. Further do some yoga daily !.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Okay, none of these 1 week diets are going to help you for the summer!. I started weight watchers, lost 4!.4lbs the first week, and 2!.4 the next and the third week 3!.0!.!. I eat at my desk all day and it works- And you will be as healthy as you want by the end of the summer!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Not a good idea!. Rapid weight loss does not last!. Better to take a sensible approach and check this site -

losing weight quick and fast is not always easy!. but try eating healthy like fruits and vegetables and try running and doing sit-ups!. stuff like that!. good luckWww@Answer-Health@Com

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