I just binged, what now?!

Question: I just binged, what now!?
I just binged on a huge chocolate milkshake and a lot of rice and veggies!. will i gain weight!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

Don't worry, a milkshake and some stir-fry is hardly a binge!. just make sure that you have milkshakes rarely and exercise regularly!. Obsessing over something like this after the fact can lead to an eating disorder!. Move on, one bad meal won't turn you onto an elephant!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

you probably wont gain alot of weight just excersize and try not to do it everyday and you wont gainWww@Answer-Health@Com

If you continue to eat like that you probably would gain weight!. What's important is not what you do in the next few minutes, but taking your concern one step further and exploring your relationship with food!. Often binging is a substitute for something else that you're lacking emotionally!. Take a look at how you see food!. Does it define you!? Are you more or less when you do or don't binge!? It's a deep topic, but you've already shown that you know the behavior isn't good for you so take the next step and try to figure out why!. No, it's not easy!. If we learn to see food for just being food it loses some of it's power over us!. Your concern shows an intellegent understanding of how your body works!. Take it to the next level and use that concern to help yourself and others build healthy relationships to food!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

not if you don't do this oftenWww@Answer-Health@Com

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