Getting metabolism up?!


Getting metabolism up?

My friend suffered from anorexia for about a year... she is now getting over it... we were wondering how she could get her metabolism up again to make it able to have 2000 cals a day without it being fattening. She works out already, an hour 5 days a week and always eats breakfast and things... will her metabolism ever be able to be the same or is it lowered forever due to starvation?


she needs to eat meals every two hours, small ones, that way her body will not continue in starvation mode....

and let her try some fatty foods once a week, stop with the 5 day a week workout, too much, that is overtraining and can lead to catabolism, muscle loss. muscle loss tells body to slow metabolism......

try cardio three times a week and then weightlifting, that's a way to get metabolism up safer...

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