Why do foods that claim to be the healthiest still put unhealthy ingredients in !

Question: Why do foods that claim to be the healthiest still put unhealthy ingredients in their food!?
Weight Watcher food, smart start cereal, and other foods that claim to be healthy still put ingredients like High Fructose Corn Syrup(which isn't good for you at all,makes you gain weight), isn't this deceptive for people who think they are eating healthy!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

because people are to lazy to educate themselves on what healthy eating truly is!. they would rather have sometime (namely the tv) tell them what to eat and drink!.

common sense tells you that all natural foods are far superior to man made foods that are highly processed and loaded with various chemicals!. but this lack of common sense in our country has been brainwashed by the media to avoid calories, fats and carbs instead of the source of these nutrients which is whats far more important!. all of these chemically laden foods in out stores are what's contributing to many of the health problems today!. when you combine a lack of exercise with foods packed with chemicals failing health could be the only end result!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

They're hoping that people will accept their claims as truth - and not be educated enough to read the labels!. Really, anything pre-packaged and/or pre-cooked should be a last resort!.

Not only do these foods contain high fructose corn syrup, but also preservatives which really aren't good for us!.

It's best to stick with fresh ingredients - and to choose organic where available!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

So that is doesn't taste like dirt!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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