How can I be excited about excercising....?!

Question: How can I be excited about excercising!.!.!.!.!?
I weigh 340lbs!. Earlier this week I went on a bike ride with my son!. I could hear people laughing at me all the way down the block!.
I've also tried water aroebics!. (NOT doing that again!!) How can I make excercising fun so my son will want to participate!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

Hi there,

I'm so sorry you had that experience when you were out with your son - people can be so crap!!! (it pisses me off that they can be so smug, which is truly ugly)!.

The thing is to find something that YOU enjoy!. I have been overweight my whole life and just starting to sort things out in the last few months, so know how crippling unkind comments can be!. There is no way I am ever going to be into running, so I'm not even gonna try it (!), but you know what, I love dancing round the house when my husband's out!! I've also discovered I LIKE walking!.

Losing weight and getting fit needn't be expensive - walking is an absolutely brilliant - and free - way of toning muscle!. Just while you build your confidence, why don't you purpose to walk places instead of taking the car!? Even a couple of times a week is a good start!. It's the small steps that make a BIG difference!. Is your son school age!? Maybe you could walk with him to school!? Good time to chat, and you're building muscle (!.!.!."muscle is your best friend" is the most cheesy thing I've ever heard, but it's true!!)!.

I think you need to build your confidence a little - sounds like you and your son have a lovely relationship, so why don't you try a few things together that's about a new change in lifestyle!? Like preparing healthy meals together!? He can chop the veg and you can boil the pasta!

I don't know if you are planning on losing weight, but don't look at the big picture - look at the week ahead!. Do you know, if you lose 1lb a week (which is easy if you walk more, drink more water, eat more veg), in a year one can lose 4 stone!?!?!? I always think of a year being a lifetime, but in the grand scheme of things it's nothing!!!

Small steps; things you enjoy; build your confidence!.

When I started thinking seriously about getting fit, I realised that a big part of the problem was having spent the last 20 years getting big! That's 20 year's worth of bad habits!. They're not changing overnight!. So I stopped beating myself up and have given myself small targets - walking into work was really hard at first, but it's become a habit now!. Might not make me completely fit yet, but I know I must be fitter than before because I always took the car!.

Small steps mean you are building confidence and developing habits for life!.

What makes you happy!? What do you really enjoy!? Try and do something every day that lifts your spirits!. Your son loves you NOW - remember that!. He'll love you the same however you are, but in making small changes for a really healthy life you are building a better future for the both of you!.

Sorry to ramble!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

When you are heavier, its harder to find the motivation to exercise especially out in public!. I suggest you find ways to be active at home!. Prop up the back tire on your bike and ride it stationary while you watch tv!. Use light weights and workout dvds!. Go for early morning/late night walks!.

It sounds like the idea of people judging you is your worst fear! If you do join a gym, you shouldn't feel as out of place cause everyone is there for a reason - to get fit and be healthy!.

Good luck! As the lbs come off, you'll feel more motivated!Www@Answer-Health@Com

buy a stair machine or just walk with him, stair machines are veryyy good and you sweat like a pig! (at least i do) (160 pounds) the fatter you are the more you sweat! good luck!Www@Answer-Health@Com

well find out what you like doing, dancing maybe!?!.!. go for a walk with your son!.!. besides you shouldn't think about what people are saying!.!. some people are just dumb!.!. Hope i was at any help =)Www@Answer-Health@Com

Eat small dinners and go for a walk after dinner!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

get 2 dogs and take them for walks daily together!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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