How many lbs. Dumbbells should I Get? I'm 14 yrs old?!

Question: How many lbs!. Dumbbells should I Get!? I'm 14 yrs old!?
I have man boobs and want to get rid of them!. Im a little above average fitness for 14 year olds!. I want to bench press with my dumbbells!. How many lbs!. should each dumbbell have so i could lose my man boobs!? Thanks!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Man boobs won't be reduced by bench press!. Exercising a problem area won't reduce fat there!. That is the myth of spot reduction!. See #7 at this link!.

Healthy eating and increased activity will do it for you!. Dieting is your biggest tool to solve this problem!.

It is an often repeated myth that lifting weights can stunt growth!. Actually, strength training can prevent injuries and improve performance in sports and other activities!.

There are articles about this at medical websites which I wish people would read, so they stop repeating this nonsense!.

See this link for the reference to medical article and comments by lv_consultant


Get adjustable dumbbells!. You will start with light weight, like 10-15 lbs!., but as you get stronger, you need to continue to add weight to the dumbbells otherwise you won't continue to increase in strength!. That is the principle of progessive overload!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

dude dont do weights until your 16 right now just do alot of cardio, running, jump rope, basketball, other sports ect

the only way to get rid of the DREADFUL MOOBS are to just do tons of cardio to reduce the fat of your entire body, u cant get rid of man boobs by benching that will only make it worse, you have to cut your weight, and once u turn 16 u can bulk up and get a nice bodWww@Answer-Health@Com

To get rid of your man-boobs I'd suggest jogging and other activities designed to help you lose weight!.
I'd be very careful about weights at your age!.!.!.since you are still at an age where you may be expected to have some growth spurts left to endure, it's my understanding that weights can cause damage if done incorrectly!.
Just get active and you should have no trouble losing some weight!.
Remember to improve your diet if you are a junk food addict or you might not get the results you are after!.
Also, be patient!.
Good luck!Www@Answer-Health@Com

listen to the last guy that wrote you

trust me, weights will stunt your growthWww@Answer-Health@Com

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