How can I feel confident when I'm.............?!

Question: How can I feel confident when I'm!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!?
naked! I also want to feel well, sexy instead of gross! I want to get my stomach flat and get some abs and some killer legs! Any suggestions!? I'm gonna do the Wii plan! Except I'm making mine an hour a day every day INSTEAD of 30 minutes a day everyother day! Should this help get my weight off!? I'm also eating healthy (no soda!) an NO junk food! And I go to Curves, and dance around in my room! Does that sound good!? Heres my measurements!


Bust: 37!.25 inches
Waist: 27!.50 inches
Abdomen: 32!.00 inches
Hips: 36!.00 inches
Thighs: 21!.50 inches
Arms: 12!.00
Weight: 150!.00lbs
I'm 5'5'' and trying to get to 120, slim, slexy, and toned! Will my diet work (I'm a vegetarian!) I'm trying SUPER hard!Www@Answer-Health@Com

if you can,drink chicken broth!.stay away from breads & sweets(cerals,rice,sandwiches, sugars) do lots of walking and sweating!.breath in through your nose,out your mouth!.work on your abdomine!.popcorn is fine(lite butter)Www@Answer-Health@Com

Very Nice!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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