Help! I need to pass a urine test in a few days to get a job?!

Question: Help! I need to pass a urine test in a few days to get a job!?
I was hanging out with my friends yesterday, and I ate one or two brownies with weed in them!. Later that day Target calls me back for a job interview later this week, and my buddy who works there tells me they're probably going to give me a piss test on Thursday or Friday!. Which I think is bullshit for punishing people on what they do on their own time outside of work, but anyways!.!.!.!.!.

I hardly ever smoke or use pot, like I think the last time I did before this was at least a few months ago, and even then it's just the occasional bowl!.

So what are some ways to clean myself out in the next 24 to 48 hours!? My friends told me to drink lots of water and some tea, and to exercise alot because THC is stored in fat cells!.

Also, I don't know if this helps or not, but I do have a pretty fast metabolism!.!.I weigh about 155 lbs and am in pretty good shape!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

OMgoodness this happened to me!.!.!. twice!! I had done it maybe 7 times my entire life and two of them involved getting word I got a job the very next day after!.

Both times I went to GNC and asked for stuff to cleanse me for a urine test!. They KNOW!. lol The first time I was given this red punch stuff and tea!. The red stuff was disgusting and I couldn't finish it, so I called the store and they said to just do the tea and I would be okay!. I even had less than 48 hours to do it!. So I pepared it like the package said and drank my gallon!. I was drinking tea the morning of!. lol I didn't want iced tea for quite sometime but it was fine!.!.!.I passed!.

The 2nd time I didn't bother with any pills, powders or fruity stuff!. I went back to GNC and got tea again!. Worked the 2nd time too just fine, and again with less than 48 hours to do it!.

I suggest tea based on my exp and in the meantime drink lots of water!. If they do a hair test you are screwed, but they prob won't!.

Oh and stop doing that stuff!. lol I took it as a sign!Www@Answer-Health@Com

If it is true that you never smoke and that was an isolated incident AND you have a hyper metabolism, you could pass with just flushing your system with water!. But that does nothing really except dilute your pee!. To be absolutely sure, try a synthetic urine product, or borrow some pee and keep it warm in a small plastic bottle with a heated sticker stuck on it, like the ones you use for sore muscles you can buy at the drugstore!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

All about how much you sweat and burn fat!. It normally takes around 2 weeks!. So just come up with an excuse!. Go to the sauna when you arent excercising, and drink a lot!. Jesus def!. smoked weed, so don't worry it aint a sin!. These haters who are saying your a sinner, are sinners for saying your a sinner!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

at the pot shop there is a drink that is about $60 that will clean out your system!. Also, water and exercise do help!.
if you fail the test, demand a retest and by then your system will be clean!. You have the right to be retested!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

well, i think you don't deserve the job if you knew that there was a possibility of you to get it with the stipulation of a clean urine analysis!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

ask one of your friends that doesnt do drugs to piiss in a container then sneak that in and pour it into the cup
i know its gross but do you have any other choice!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

I'm sorry, but this is your OWN problem not OURS!!!!!!! If you don't pass the urine test it isn't our fault that we didn't help you!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.it is your fault because you do drugs!!!!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

jesus will still love you, also do many jumping jacks while slapping your belly!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Why would you put weed in brownies!? You need to listen to DancingQueen!Www@Answer-Health@Com

SHAME ON YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Stop eating "magical" brownies!!!!!! Go to church and cleanse yourself!. Spiritually!.

Added later: I apologize for offending certain people, but I really don't think you were "trying it"!. Trying it is doing it once!. Maaaaybe twice!. And of course you are going to say less than you've actually done it!. When you say 4 or 5, its probably 5 or 6!. Honestly, the reason they do tests like that is so that they don't have users working there!. I also disagree with some of your facts about drugs!. I know cigarettes can be as addicting as cocaine, but you are mixed up about alcohol!. And I would know 'cuz a member of my family is a former alcoholic!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

what ur friends are telling u wont work it takes a weekto get undectable by urine test!.!.cuz pot has a half life of a week then its basically gone but never completely out of ur systemWww@Answer-Health@Com

Go to a GNC (http://www!.gnc!.com/family/index!.jsp!?cate!.!.!. There they sell "detox drinks" and detox teas!. Apparently they taste not-so-good, but really do help people pass drug tests!. However, make sure you consume the drink as directed, a few hours before the test, as it masks the "toxins" in your system, as opposed to removing them!.
If the drinks seem pricey, try the pills!. Those take longer to work though, and since you're strapped for time, you should probably buy a drink!.!.!.
Although you probably won't get hair tested, some GNCs also carry a "detox shampoo!."Www@Answer-Health@Com

Cannabis will be detected in urine for up to 30 days after taking!.

Don't waste money on detox products from shops/pharmacies, they don't work!

Don't start loosing weight or exercising as cannabis is stored in fat cells,if you start loosing weight it is even more likely to come up in your urine!. Loose fat=loose cannabis stored in fat through urine!. You should eat more if anything!

Drinking lots of water will help your skin but not the drug test!. In fact when people have drug tests, the level of creatine is also tested, which shows if someone is drinking water excessively (i!.e!. in order to flush out drugs)!.

Choice 1: Be honest, tell them it was a one-off and offer to do another test in a months time to prove it!.

Choice 2: Feign ignorance when the results come through, them blame it on passive inhalation coz your friends smoked it in your presence!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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