What do you think about 'green tea'?!

Question: What do you think about 'green tea'!?
I'm naturally underweight, been this way all my life!. About a year ago I fell in love with this tea (especially with honey), I read that it's really good for you, so I drank a lot of it 1,2,3 cups a day!. So after I gave birth 11 months ago I lost all the pregnancy weight and more!. Now people started asking me why I lost so much weight!. It seems that when I see someone I know, in church or people I knew from before I was even married, everyone has something to say about how skinny I got!.
I do eat healthy and regularly!. So I am frustrated, because I want to weight at least 115 lb to look better!.
So the other day, I was reading an advertisement for green tea, and it said that it speeds up your metabolism, so you can loose weight!.
Could it be that green tea is the reason for my weight loss, or is it something else!?
(I started eating avacados daily to gain weight because they have lots of vitamins and protene)Www@Answer-Health@Com

Drinking this beverage, helps cleanse your digestive system!. Green Tea, also helps lower your cholesterol levels, and helps lower the amount of fat absorbed by your stomache!.
So Green Tea is good for weight loss!.

But I wouldn't give it up all the way!.
One study indicated that drinking green tea reduced risks of cancer of the esophagus and reduces the growth of cancer cells!. For those who were drinking green tea on a regular basis, it was eliminating this type of cancer by up to sixty percent, a highly significant ratio for the people that were studied!.
This is only one of several benefits that come as part of drinking this miracle in a cup!. Arthritis and problems with joints are often lowered by drinking this herbal remedy on a continuous basis!.
Beyond this, green tea is known to be a great detoxifier for all parts of the body!. Everything from the immune system to the circulation system is affected in a positive manner by drinking this tea!. Of course, it can not be forgotten that if you have high cholesterol levels, green tea may be effective in helping to maintain the good cholesterol while getting rid of the bad cholesterol!.
The health benefits of green tea does not stop there!. This particular tea is made up of elements that help to balance out the body's functioning!. For those that are overweight, the tea will burn more calories than other types of caffeinated drinks!. Green tea also works on taking away bacteria that can cause problems such as food poisoning or plaque!. If you want to get rid of things in your system, as much as add on, then this particular tea can help!.
The major risks from green tea, aside from the several benefits, are mostly related to the amount of caffeine in the drink!. For some, they may be sensitive to this, and it may cause hyperactivity, anxiety, or insomnia!.
However, it should be kept in mind that there are only about thirty milligrams of caffeine, much less than a pop or coffee!. So you could argue the caffeine in green tea is a minimal risk to your health though it is a risk for some!.
It also combat signs of aging!. That's because it contains large amounts of vitamins E and C which are antioxidants!.
Research shows tea extracts can destroy the organism that causes disease!.

Just drink less, maybe a cup a week, so you can have all these health benefits!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I'm trying to lose weight too and it's sooo hard!. My aunt is using a weight loss product and it's really working for her (100% natural)!. I'm gonna try it and I recommend you try it too!. It's really a colon cleanse, and it's a healthy way to detox, not like most diet pills!. Check their website at
http://www!.fit-quick-thin!.us , my aunt got a free trial and paid only $4!.95 shipping and handling!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

well it does have caffeine in it, so i suppose that might be part of it!.!.!.

why not get a caffeine free version!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

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