Energy drinks?!


Energy drinks?

I've been reading that carbohydrate-electrolyte solution drinks are good for keeping the energy up while cycling & that they're actually better for performance than plain water.
What exactly are these drinks though?
I've been told by a family member that they're just energy drinks like we can buy in a sweet shop, but I thought those soft drinks were full of sugar & not so good for us at all.
Could you help to clear this up for me & explain what exactly carbohydrate-electrolyte solution drinks are.
Thankyou very much.


These energy drinks (gateroade, red bull, monster, ect.) add more electrolights and boost up your energy and your heart rate and then bring it down 5 min. later if you drink it while you're not exercising, especially red bull. That's why you should only drink energy drinks if you are going to exercise.
Hope this helps!

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