I gave up smoking last week any idea's why ever since ive been really bloated?!


I gave up smoking last week any idea's why ever since ive been really bloated?

Ive not really been eating any more, have probably been drinking more tea! Also ive been trying to exercise more but now i just feel fat!

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1 week ago
Just to add to the above ive started walking for an hour every night, well for the past two nights i have. And thanks Scott Bull im very proud of myself for quitting! Did it will no help just ran out and didnt buy any more!


When my Mother gave up smoking she gained 4kg in weight, and my Father gained 5kg, it seems to be a normal effect of the nicotine withdrawl, since smoking also thins out the blood.

If you're concerned you should consult with your GP and check whether it's anything to be concerned about.

Remember, that it'll take your body some time to begin to re-adjust, so in the meantime, perhaps try a little walking each day, it will get your cardio-vascular system working properly over time, it gets you excercise, you get to see things in your local neighbourhood you never noticed before, and you will look and feel great.

Congratulations on giving up smoking by the way, I hope you continue to have the strength needed to pull this off, and wish you all the best.

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