Is 800 calories a day too few?!


Is 800 calories a day too few?

I started dieting recently and usually can't put enough health food in my mouth to exceed 1000 cals... I usually eat like 800.... its because fruit and vaggies are SO low cal, and health bars are like 100 and even lean meat is only like 60 per serving, yougurt is like 60 gah!! So is 800 too few? I don't FEEL hungry so i figured its alright, but my friend says im STARVING my can you do that if you're not hungry?

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1 week ago
Just so you all know. I'm not LIMITING myself to this amount. I dont do it on purpose... its when I look back on the day I count how much I ate and its lower than I expect. Thanks to everyone offering helpful advice!


you're just fine. As long as you don't go under a healthy weight for your height. You aren't starving your body. I work out six days a week and I eat about 800 calories a day because I eat something small every hour. A cup of yogurt, an apple, some carrot sticks, a sandwich, some crackers, a granola bar, you name it. I've been maintaining the same weight for three years now. I would be a skeleton if this diet was starving my body. Just make sure you're getting all your vitamins and minerals and you don't fall below a healthy weight.

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