How can i gain weight in my collar bone?!

Question: How can i gain weight in my collar bone!?
So i have these two bones in my collar area that stick out!.Im really talk and look skinny but i have a fat tummy!.I want to lose weight in my tummy and gain weight in my collar area!.
please help<3Www@Answer-Health@Com

wow, that pre med student is a retard!.
i understand what you're talking about!.
and jack is the closest in helping you!. you want to work your upper chest and front shoulders!. chest press on an incline bench will be very good for this, also flies in the same position and cable flies pulling them together up high!.
when you chest press you can tilt your knuckles in, so you tap the front of the weights together, this will really roll that muscle at the top of your chest and give you the look you want, also work on some shoulder stuff, like raises and vertical rows even!. it would be a good idea to check online and see what lifts work those muscle that you feel most comfortable with

also, for losing weight in your stomach, you're just going to have to be more active and watch what you eat!. it could take me days to explain how your body works with different kinds of foods, but just be aware that the combination of eating wrong and not being active will make you fatWww@Answer-Health@Com

so!.!.!.!. i have this laughing problem!.
I try to answer questions for people and help them and like im really smart and sociable but sometimes people ask questions that make me laugh my *** off!. and im not being rude or anything, i just need help calming down so i can answer them!.

Darling!.!.!. thats like asking how to gain weight in your ear!.
If you really hate your collarbone dont wear shirts that show it!. But honestly, i bet its hot and most people find it attractive!. :)Www@Answer-Health@Com

You can not add weigght to a bone, you can not cortrol where the fat gos, you will have to get fat all over!. Stay the way you are!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

lollll!.!.!. i have the same problem!.!.!. i have 2 bones in my collar area that stick out also!.!.!.!. but i dont think we can do anything about it !.!. i have had it since i can remember!.!.!.!. but do pilates to make you lose weight on your tummyWww@Answer-Health@Com

Nope not possible at all!. You cannot spot train because fat is absorbed into a single bloodsteam, it's scientifically not possible!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

you need to find some exercises for the upper pectoral muscles, such as an incline press, etc!.
by working out with light weights, you will lose weight and build up muscle around your collar bone!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

wtf, i dont think you can just gain weight in your collar bone, thats just stupid!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Uh It is pretty much impossible!. Especially if you have larger breast that pull down on the area!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

no ideaWww@Answer-Health@Com

don't knowWww@Answer-Health@Com

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