I'm too fat ><?!

Question: I'm too fat ><!?
I'm a 15 year old guy, I weigh 135 pounds, and am about 6 feet tall!. I know I'm not overweight, but a majority of my weight is fat, and I'm starting to get a tummy!. I get a moderate amount of exercise (going to the gym once in a while, biking and rollerblading a lot), and I've always been pretty skinny, but I'm starting to gain weight pretty rapidly!. I think it has to do with my diet, because I don't eat very healthy food, but I need some good tasting, healthy food that I can take places, and snack on!. Anyone have any ideas!? It needs to be cheap, easy to make, and I need to be able to make as much or as little as I want!. xD thanksWww@Answer-Health@Com

Maybe you are just getting ready to grow taller!. That's the way it always seems, you fill out a little bit then grow taller!. Just keep being active and you will be fine!. Nuts are great snacks on the go and won't go bad!. Or protein bars!. Don't be hard on yourself, you sound completely normal!. What about lifing weights!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

Do not listen to the previous answer!. Fruits have tons of sugar and if you want to lose weight, you have to eat more protein, vegetables, healthy fats and whole grains which will consist of whole grain bread with natural peanut butter, whole wheat pasta with chicken, brown rice with lean meats, etc!.Www@Answer-Health@Com


my brother is 5'4 and he weighs 125 your fine

PS:do push upsWww@Answer-Health@Com

First of all from the info you gave i dont think you are overweight but i dont know what you look like, it sounds like a completly healthy weight!. If you want to eat healthier my suggestion is 100 calorie packs!. They turn really good food into something a little healthier, for ex!. oreos, chips ahoy and many many more!.!.!.or you can try granola bars!. All this is cheap and easy to get!. they are really good and they are pretty healthy but only if you eat them in moderation like you cant have like five in one day other wise it defeats the purpose!. Hope this helps alittle!.!.!.!.(p!.s!. im trying to lose weight too and its not easy!.!.!.you just have to stick to it and use something as motivation to lose the weight that you have just recently put on!.)Www@Answer-Health@Com

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