How long does it take to lose weight if your a bulimic?!

Question: How long does it take to lose weight if your a bulimic!?
My friend just reasonly started becoming a bulimic!. I really want to stop her before it gets really bad!. So how long does it take to lose weight!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

it starts very quickly, and within a week someone could lose 2-5 lbs
however sometimes the nutrients are already absorbed by the body which means they may not lose as much weight as other methods
hope she gets better!

BAD idea, if your friend is really bulimic i would say (and I don't know how old you are) talk to her and reason with her, she needs help!. being bulimic or having a eating disorder is very serious!. If that doesn't work and I don't know your age range maybe you should talk to her partents and tell them about the problem!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

It depends!. Some bulimics stay at a normal weight because of the binging!. You don't get rid of all the food when you purge!. However, if you don't eat much or purge more often, you will lose weight more quickly!. So there's no answer I can give you, but really do your best to stop her since it can kill her or put her in the hospital!. Good luck!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

you kids today are sooo scary!! who knows how long it will take to lose weight, but with each puke she is burning her insides--and will from now on probably have bad acid!. as well as the puking makes problems with the teeth!. if you were a real friend you would have a talk with her now and not wait till she loses some weight!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

With a bulimic sometimes they do not lose weight at all, sometimes they gain weight!.!.!. and you need to tell someone other than us, because we can't really help you much!.!.!.!. tell someone who can help!!!!! And that is hard to say how long!.!.!.!. it dependsWww@Answer-Health@Com

it depends on how much you want it and what effort you put into it!. exercise and portion control!. those two are the first things to focus onWww@Answer-Health@Com

could take just a few days before seeing results, which is not good to begin with!.!.!.hope that helpsWww@Answer-Health@Com

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