Stronger bi and triceps?!

Question: Stronger bi and triceps!?
I am very bad at working my arms out!. I am so weak!. I hate push ups and weight what can i do without a machineWww@Answer-Health@Com

It's hard to do push ups unless you've trained your body to do so!.!. which is tricky at first!.

My favorite is tricep dips!. Position yourself off a table, chair, bench, couch, bed (you get the idea) with your hands on the surface behind you, forming a 90 degree angle from your shoulders to the surface!. While hanging off, lower yourself down so you work the muscle (you'll feel it) pump yourself up and down!.
Free weights are a really good idea;
Hold a free weight (5-10 pounds to start, work off of that) with both hands hanging behind your head!. Straighten your arms so that your arms go straight up and the weight is over your head!.
With the free weights you can do simple bicep curls!. Just make sure you go the full arms movement so you work the whole muscle and not just part of it!.

-Make sure you stretch before and after or you'll be a hurtin'!Www@Answer-Health@Com

For me, i swam laps and then would go to the corner of the pool and push my bosy upwards like i was gona get out!. I kept doing it over and over and my triceps got big from it fast!. I hate doing non-machine stuff to!. The best way is to just go to the gym and ask them what they do so you have different workouts for each muscle!. You also should just force yourself, because once u get in a scheduled workout it becomes much easier to workout!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

if you dont like physical exercise, youre never going to get any muscle!. The principal behind weight lifting and bodybuilding is disipline and strict practice!. The military has soldiers doing pushups, pullups, and sit ups alone and the men and women are in amazing shape from those workouts alone!.

As far as Biceps!.!.!.Do curls lifting heavy weight and few reps!.
And triceps!.!.!.Do dips!. Google dips and youll see what those are!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

pull ups are good for your biceps and push ups are good for your triceps (so are dips)Www@Answer-Health@Com

for biceps you should do bicep curls with a dumbbell!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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