Am i fat? please be honost?!

Question: Am i fat!? please be honost!?
im only 12 yrs old and im around 5!.2 but i weigh like 140 and i have a little belly and kinda fat legs but i deffinetly dont look like i weigh that much, so why do i and how do i get rid of it!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

you will lose that tummy and get into better shape by becoming more active!. get into a sport, walk run, bike, anything that gets you moving!. stay away from fast foods and sugary snacks and eat healthy meals!. your body is still developing and growing and you must not diet!. don't forget to switch from white breads to whole wheat and multi grains!. also try not to eat sugared cereals!. it might seem difficult, but i have faith that you'll be successful!. good luck!!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Honey, I'm 13, an inch shorter than you, and weigh 157 pounds!. I have a bit of a stomach, and big thighs!. I say, you aren't fat unless you think you are!. I think I'm chubby, not fat!. Since your taller than me and weigh less than me, I just think that you might have a bit of weight on you, nothing to worry about!. You ain't fat hon, but if your worried about it, take a 30 minute walk three times a week with a friend, and make sure you eat a healthy breakfast!. Those will help you lose about 10 pounds by the end of the summer, as long as you don't eat to much fat and try not to eat to much calories!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

According to BMI you are just a little more weight than it should be!. Your ideal weight is 115!.5 lbs!. However, there are other criteria to tell some one is over weight or not!.

If the muscle is strong because of good exercise then the number will tell differently!. The ratio of waist and hip line for female is between 80 - 85%!. It means that if your waist size is smaller 15 - 20 % than your hip line, it tells that you body is ideal!. The weight is a matter of number and word only, don't take it too seriously!.

Don't worry about your weight just follow healthy life style!. Gradually your weight will suit naturally to the healthy personal weight!. Keep smiling!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

no you arnt fat, are you very muscular!? you could probably lose 10 pounds or so which isnt much!. just dont eat junk, no fast food,nothing fried or greasy, and dont snack when you watch tv, drink only water, do not drink your calories, no pop or juice!. eat mostly fruit and veggies, go outside alot and play and ride your bike!. you will be ok!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

check out this website:

cardiovascular exercise is your best bet (aerobics, running, cycling, etc!.)Www@Answer-Health@Com

you sound kind of fat but in the pictures (even though it's just your face) you look skinny!. maybe the rest of your body is fat!.!. or maybe you're muscular, you should do cardio exercises and get some muscles!. good luckkkWww@Answer-Health@Com

yes you are overweight!. and i'm sure you look it too!.!.!. sorry to be so blunt!.
oh and by the way face pictures don't really help!.!.!.to tell for sure you need a full body shot!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

im 16, 5''6, and i box!. i weigh 170, but i dont look like i weigh over 120!.

just work out chick!

boxing rules!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Try exercisingWww@Answer-Health@Com

can you pleeeeeeeeeeese put a pic
that will help bunches!?!!?!!?!!?!!?!!? or just send it to me!.!.!.!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

you are overwieght!. all i can say is eat right be active and get good sleep!. good luck though :)Www@Answer-Health@Com

i think you're just chubby!.!.!.not fat or disgustingWww@Answer-Health@Com

run girl!!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

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