How can a 13 year old loose her stomach in 2 months?!

Question: How can a 13 year old loose her stomach in 2 months!?
im 13 and im 5 2" and 95 pounds
im not fat i just have love handles and a pouch!.
ive always had this stomach!.
i always wanted to have a flat stomach to wear in bikinis!.
and since im 13 none of thoose diet plans work!.!. they say to eat healthy but i do!
anybody have meal plans that do work!.!.or excersizes from experience!.!.!. please help me!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Run/Walk everyday!. Eat more veggies and fruits!. Grilled chicken, no burgers/fries, less carbs (white pasta, bread, rice, etc) at night!. Do NOT diet!. Dieting will actually keep the fat on your body because your body is drained out of it!.

Swim!. Eat less fatty foods!. Dance for yourself for an hour everyday!. And do 15minutes of crunches and situps!.

The website attached has exercises for belly fat and shows you how to do them!.

Good luck :)Www@Answer-Health@Com

I think you should like yourself for who you are!.

Some diets are crazy and actually dont do your body much
good!. If you want to be healthier, then make small lifestyle
changes like a healthier diet or more exercise!. Join a sport
that you really like! Even just bike rides or jogs around the park do your body some good!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

If you have been looking for some great ideas about weight loss program ,
Here is the place you can should have a look!.
please visit free website below for more info!.


Cut out carbs!.!.!.that's a carb belly you are talking about!. Also, lay on your back, legs out, toes pointed!. Slowly lift your legs up then slowly lower!. That will help your lower abdominal muscles!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

keep eating healthy and go runing regularly to achieve the stomach you want!. puberty will do the rest :)Www@Answer-Health@Com

your 15 lbs under what you should weigh, so you really don't need to lose weightWww@Answer-Health@Com

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