How do I convince my mom I'm not anorexic?!

Question: How do I convince my mom I'm not anorexic!?
I'm 16, 106lbs and 5'7!. I look fine!. I don't look anorexic!. But I used to be 114 and i lost 10 lbs after bieng sick and never gained all the weight back last year, I don't know why!. But all of the saudden she seems to think I'm anorexic!. My BMI is considered underweight but when I go to the doctor and they weigh me, no one ever says anything so I didn't think it was a problem, but she wants to take me to the doctor's for an eating disorder now!. She thinks I'm anorexic! I eat like everything in sight I just have a fast metabolism!. I don't eat around her, because there's not much snacks at home and I sleep through breakfast and sometimes lunch!. But breakfast makes me sick when I eat it anyway!. I eat dinner, and get seconds depending if I like it or not, even when I'm not hungry!. When I go out I get like the biggest meals, and she's never with me when i go out!. At McDonald's I'll eat a double quarter pounder meal with extra cheese, at my friends I ate 6 cheeseburgers from the grill, at my boyfriends house I ate 9 slices of pizza!. (Please do not educate me how this is bad for my arteries and cholesterol and everything I know)!. But she won
So like you're living my childhood!.!.!.
well!.!.!.4-5 years ago!.!.!.
I'm 5'9 and I weigh 140 now!.!.!.
but all my life I was disgustingly skinny!.!.!.but man could I pack it!
My friends [close] called me the bottomless pit!. But for the rest of my school!.!.!.I was known as the bulimic/anorexic chick!.
I hated it, I would/could eat sooooooooo much and could not, for the life of me, gain weight!.
I say go to the doctors!.!.!.prove her wrong!. It's not going to hurt you!. :/
It wasn't until I went to college [2 years ago] that I started to gain weight!. No worries hun!.!.!.enjoy yourself right now, because in 2 more years your metabolism begins to slow down!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Your mom is just worried about you!. Let her take you to the doctor, and the doctor can examine you and talk to your mom about how healthy you are!. It may be the only way to get her to leave you alone!. You should be grateful that you have such a caring parent!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Treat her to McDonalds!.

Order yourself a Number 1, 7 double cheeseburgers, a Big N'Tasty and a 6 piece chicken nuggets!. Eat it all in front of her and tell her you're still hungry!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Send her to a therapy!.
Maybe somebody can tell her to start worrying about her own life, and not about non-existent problems in her daughter!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Sorry I can't be of more assistance here, but i was reading and I noticed you said you occasionally slept through breakfast and lunch!. That is definately not a good habit to get into!. I don't mean for that to be like some life lesson or anything but if you live with your mom (I couldn't quite tell, I probably missed it) then another reason she might think you are making unhealthy choices is due to your sleeping in (ironically I'm typing this at two in the morning, but the message is the same) Finally, congratulations on the metabolism, it wont last forever but it's really nice to haveWww@Answer-Health@Com

Unfortunately she's a mom, so she's going to worry!. Its frustrating, but that's what they do!.

You should just agree to go to the doctor!. Explain to the doctor what's up, and you and your doctor and your mom can have a talk about your weight!. If your BMI is below average, you should put on a little healthy weight anyways!. The doctor will be able to help you do that!.
If the doctor says you're healthy then she'll get off your back!.!.!. about that at least!.

Eventually she'll chill out, but she sounds like a worrier!. If it gets too intense you should sit her down and talk to her, tell her you understand that she worries about you but that she needs to give you a little space!. After all you need to be able to take care of yourself once you leave the house! Don't confront her or make it a fight, just have a calm discussion about it one on one!.

Good luck with your mom, I hope you guys work stuff out!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Well I think maybe you should TRY to eat ALOT more!
Convince her you can eat and will eat just you need room and for her to stop bugging you! I get teased people call me that! Im 12 and weigh 65 pounds im not! Try to get your mom to buy more snacks and food you like! Not weird things!. Ask your mom to take you places you WILL eat and prove to her your not anorexic there is ways!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Ask your mom to accompany you to the doctor for the explicit reason of addressing whether or not you are under-weight!. If possible, do it as a walk-in or schedule the appointment yourself so she cannot speak to the doctor ahead of time to talk him/her into telling you what she wants!. Otherwise, if the doctor says you are underweight, you'll think it's all her doing!. So it's to protect both of you and get a truly unbiased opinion!.

If the doctor says you are underweight, tell him/her how much you are eating and ask if you can have standard blood tests!. It will identify any unusual chemical levels that could be contributing to naturally low weight!. (E!.g!., hyper-thyroidism makes it very difficult for an individual to gain weight!.)

If the doctor says you're fine and your mom still won't lay off, take her with you to the dentist!. The dentist will be able to tell her if you are bulimic (habitually throwing up)!.

All this requires that you are being honest about not having an eating disorder - I really hope you do not!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Age sixteen a hundred and seven pounds and 5 foot 7,
You poor thing you, no wonder you can't gain that ten pounds back with every boy in town chasing after you!.
The sickness changed your young womanly body metabolism and now with all the new found attention, from the young men, your getting with all of that ten pounds of baby fat missing your brain is working over time to keep all the guys off you!. And the more you use your brain the more fat is burnt!.
Don't worry, be happy, and show your mother my answer!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

sit her down and talk to her!. ask her about how she's feeling and why she is so worried!.!.!.try to show her that even though you are only 16, you can be mature and have an adult conversation with her!.
i also think it wouldnt be a bad idea to agree to going to the doctors!. then you could all have a conversation together, and this will probably help her feel better - thus, getting her off your case, and establishing some trust!. besides, by not objecting to going to the doctors you are showing her that you have nothing to hide!.
she is just being your mom - they cant help themselves but worry!. :-)Www@Answer-Health@Com

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