How can I loose my "love handels", and all of my "leg weight"!

Question: How can I loose my "love handels", and all of my "leg weight"!? Best answer!!?
lol, leg weight, idk what else to call it!. Anyways I'm 13, way 150, and I'm 5'8"!. I have pretty big legs, they're very chunky, lol!. And I have pretty big love handels too!. And a little tummy!. How can I loose all of these things!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

Diet and exercise!. That is the best way to do it!. By diet I mean proper eating habits and portion sizes!. Cut out the sugars and fatty foods!. Eat green! Just pretend you were a animal!. Animals don't eat candy or fast food!. If it didn't come out of the ground then don't eat it!. It is okay to eat meat of course just in right portions though!.

I lost a boat load of weight by simply eating nothing but Special K cereal, Raisin Bran and Anti Pasta Salads and drinking lots of water!. Different peoples bodies have different reactions!. It worked great for me!. I brought a whole bunch of tasty fruits with my to work like peaches and nectarines and oranges!.

If you plan on doing something like this make it as convenient for yourself as possible!. What I mean is slice the oranges into quarters and put them in a bag!. That way all you have to do is pig out instead of having to peel it!. That was my big thing, If i brought an orange to work with me I wouldn't eat it if it wasn't peeled ahead of time!. Didn't want to get my hands all sticky or some other dumb thing!. Same with peaches and nectarines!. You can eat the entire fruit and just spit the seed out!. Very good for you and very convenient as well!. Just stick with it!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

As much as you don't want to hear it, you are going to have to do some cardio mixed with weight training!. The cardio will get the fat off, and the weight training will strengthen the muscle so you don't lose it instead of the fat during your cardio!. I suggest a 30 minute jog around the neighborhood every day and work your obliques!. Your unwanted areas will go away soon enough!.

Good luck to you :)Www@Answer-Health@Com

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