Is it possible to still get muscle gains if you over train?!

Question: Is it possible to still get muscle gains if you over train!?
I always read that if you train more than 45minutes and dont give a muscle more than 24hours rest you wont see gains!? Then how come you here about!.!.!.eg, celebrities gaining muscle mass quickly in a a few months for a film by
You tear down the muscle when you weight train!. You cause microtrauma to the fibers!. You body senses that and wants to insure against further damage so it heals itself and builds new fiber to make you stronger next time!. That takes a little time!. If you train really hard, that could take 5-7 days!. If all you are doing is constantly tearing down the fibers you are taking one step forward and two steps back!.

Your best bet for linear growth is to work out brief and intensely and then eat and grow!. There is no need to do 25 sets for a bodypart from 5 different angles!. When you train a muscle do 2 sets of warmups and threew working sets where the last rep is a struggle to complete!. Move on to the next bodypart!. You can train your entire upper body twice per week and do squats once per week!.

People that do legitimately train for hours per day are on anabolic steroids as that dramatically speeds the recovery process!. Nobody trains for 5 hours per day, not even pro bodybuilders!. Don't believe everything you read!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

No once you feel the symptoms of overtraining, your body has already been releasing cortisol for extended periods, making you catabolic and using your muscle as energy!. You can keep working them but they wont grow!. Either way, your muscles grow when youre resting, not when youre tearing them up!.
bodybuilders train muscles only once a weekWww@Answer-Health@Com

I train my whole body in one workout, I only do the main mass building exercises, it usually takes me about 45 mins and I do this every 5 days, I increase the weight on the bar by 1 kilo every workout, and I get stronger everytime, I take a supplement with whey protein, creatine, and glutamine in it twice a day, I have used this workout for a lot of years, as I have been weight training on of since about 13, and have tried a lot of workout paterns!. rest is very important without it ur muscles simply will not grow, avoid over training at all costs!
e-mail me if u want to talk

all the best

Part of this is true!. If you overuse your muscles, you will become injured and your muscles get weaker!.

It will take over 45 minutes unless you do extreme workoutsWww@Answer-Health@Com

No, but you can train longer than 45 minutes a day!. Don't know where you got that from!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I'm a couch potato, I should take some tips from youWww@Answer-Health@Com

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