This may sound messed up and offend someone but...!

Question: This may sound messed up and offend someone but!.!.!.
Quite a lot of pro ana stuff has turned up on diet and fitness recently and i was wondering!.!.

do pro ana or pro mia or whatever, do they actually have anorexia or bulimia!? I'm not meaning to sound mean or judging, its just i was wondering whether, pro ana/mia is people trying to get this illness, or whether they do have it or something!?

i'm asking in the nicest way, i just don't understand what it is completely


It doesn't sound messed up!. I can understand some curiosity!. Most pro ana/mias do have one or the other, some have an overeating disorder and wish they had the opposite, and some wish for the attention that they think people with an eating disorder get!. It's all different, some of them just know someone with the disease and wish for them not to be put down and judged and preached to all the time!. Supporters of the movement come from all different angles!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I'm not sure either but this is a very good question but the way i see it if it is someone promoting these illnesses as a good thing should be tried for a criminal offence, young girls /boys have enough problems and difficulty with trying to fit into what is believed to be a perfect body image without vultures encouraging them to kill themselves slowly with these illnesses!. Also i dont think your question is offensive at all!. Like i say im not sure either, i can only hope that whatever it is, its to try and help sufferers get better!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Pro ana (anorexia) and pro mia (bullimia) , means proactive in the eating disorder community!.

It does NOT mean promoting eating disorders!.

It does not surprise me that someone goes from obese to anorexic, to bullemic!. Eating disorders are not all about body image, there is always an underlying mental health problem!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

It is for support of those who already have anorexia / bulimia and/or those that accept people that are anorexic or bulimic!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

they do have it already but these sites brainwash girls making them alot worse and even more ill because they give ideas on weight loss and 'thinspiration' pictures ect!.!. its really messed upWww@Answer-Health@Com

SOZ, Aint no psychiatric professional or sommit lol!Www@Answer-Health@Com

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