Anyone who is extremely overweight?!

Question: Anyone who is extremely overweight!?
I plan to approach a young woman who works at the grocery where I shop about working with her- she is extremely obese & I am concerned for her life!.
I am a personal trainer & feel it is the right thing to do to help her!.
What could I say to make her feel more likely to agree!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

You would want to be very careful!. Overweight people tend to be quite sensitive and if she feels like she's going to be made fun of (as has probably happened before) she's very unlikely to come along!. Maybe you could try to be her friend first and suggest you do things like go on walks together - obesity doesn't happen in isolation and is probably related to social factors as well!. So, by befriending her and going for light physical exercise with her you might kill two of the birds that are causing her obesity with one stone! I'd chalk it up to good will at first though and not expect her to become a clientWww@Answer-Health@Com

I agree with the folks who are saying that you need to be her friend first!. She needs to know that you care about HER, as a person, for who she is right now!. She also needs to know that you accept her as she is, no matter what she weighs!.

Suppose you can get her to start taking walks with you!. How often are you willing to walk with her!? What if her schedule isn't flexible enough to allow your walks to be at a time that is convenient for you!?

How long are you willing to work with her - AT NO CHARGE - and how extensively!?

Whether she's 50 or 100 or 200 pounds overweight, you're looking at a long-term commitment!. Are you in it until the finish, or are you wanting to get her interested in exercise and hope that she'll go on by herself in a month or two so you can get back to your paying customers!?

I'm bringing up the drawbacks simply to show you that there's more to this than helping a stranger become healthy!. Working with this girl is going to affect your life for months, or a year, or longer!. Investing the time that she needs may impact your ability to take on paying customers!. But if you drop her in 3 months or 6 months, is she really likely to continue, or will she go back to her old habits!?

You have a good heart, but helping her might not be so simple in the long run!. The first step is to become her friend and let the rest come up later!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I would kill you!. Seriously, in my mind, I would be imagining your death in various ways!. Like, the movie Psycho!.!.!. slashed to death in the shower!. Decapitation, disemboweled, debraded via road rash!.!.!.

Look, being overweight is not just a matter of diet and exercise!. It also has a lot of mental issues that go along with it!. See, I am overweight, but I am also VERY healthy (except I am very high in leptin, which causes me to retain fat)!. My doctors are very pleased with me!. So, if your snotty little @$$ approached me, I would challenge you to a blood sugar, cholesterol, blood pressure and enzyme test and see who wins!.

It's rude to make assumptions about other people!. Perhaps this girl doesn't WANT to be skinny!. Perhaps she doesn't WANT to be healthy!. Perhaps she was violently gang raped and the reason she looks the way she does is an effort to make sure no one is ever physically attracted to her again!?

I think you will hurt her feelings regardless of what you say to her!. She already knows everyone thinks she's a fat cow!. You don't need to rub her face in it with your good intentions!.

Here's what I think will happen!. You will approach her all nice and sweet!. She will be nice and sweet back!. Then you'll give her your number, she'll take it with lots of "sure!" and "thanks!" Then she will go home and cry her eyes out while eating a pint of Hagaan Daz and never, ever call you!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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