Is this a healthy breakfast for someone on a diet?!

Question: Is this a healthy breakfast for someone on a diet!?
2 scrambled egg whites ( with salt and pepper)
1 slice of whole grain toast
A Large glass of OJ


Sounds good!.!.!.tomorrow have a smaller glass of OJ and add a cup of fat free cottage cheese with a cup of sliced peaches sprinkled with a hand full of sliced almonds!.!.you've got it down!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Gosh, aren't you afraid that you'll accidentally absorb more calories by smelling the margarine by mistake!? I suppose it's an OK breakfast, but isn't very substantial!. Why not add the WHOLE egg and get some more nutrition and protein in your morning!? It would last you longer than your little carb kick!.

BTW, the secret to losing weight is NOT to eat less, but to eat smarter and EXERCISE regularly!. Not once a week, not just when you "feel like it" or aren't tired, at least THREE times per week you need to get out and raise your heart rate good & high for at lest 30 minutes!. Jog, swim, ride a bike, whatever!.

Then you can eat a BETTER breakfast instead of that poor excuse for an inmate's last meal!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Take out the orange juice, or if you consider it a vital part of your breakfast, try mixing it 50/50 with water (half oj, half water- try mineral water to give it some fizz and minerals, tastes like Orangina)!. Orange juice contains extremely high amounts of sugar when in juice form!. A better bet would be to eat an actual orange or piece of whole fruit!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

Eat more food, you haven't had any in 7+ hours!. Replace the orange juice with water, it's filled with sugar and not as good as water!. Breakfast should be your biggest meal of the day, make sure you fill it up with good carbs and protein!. Oats (not the supermarket stuff), eggs, canadien bacon, healthy cereals, etc!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

i think that it is a healthy breakfast because most of the cholesterol, fats, etc are in the yolk of the egg!. without the yolk it eliminates like 25% of the fat!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

just try all of the egg and try bacon and also try salad for lunch!.

Yes it is pretty healthy!. But remember to take your daily vitamin, Do not add the salt, and cook your eggs in a little olive oil!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

take out the salt and yea Www@Answer-Health@Com


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