If i start jumping rope for 30 min every day when will i see results?!

Question: If i start jumping rope for 30 min every day when will i see results!?
i heard jumping rope makes you lose wieght and build muscle fast!. and i heard i makes your metobolism (cant spell sorry) work faster is this true
plz answerWww@Answer-Health@Com

jumping rope is so good for you, that's why boxers do it loads because the results are great!. it helps you lose weight, keeps your heart really healthy and tones almost every muscle!. i should expect you would start feeling healthier by the end of the first week and you'll definitely see results and the scales will tell you how good your doing by the end of week 2, if you are doing 30mins a day!. but if you are unhealthy or overweight right now it will be extremely hard for you to do 30mins of constant skipping!. its much hard than it looks that's why the results are so great, if you find it hard try doing 10mins in the mornings 10 in the afternoon, 10 at night!. good luckWww@Answer-Health@Com

Well if your trying to lose weight let me suggest something better!.

When your thirsty always drink water nothing different!. Make sure u always eat breakfast lunch and dinner and if u want a snack always choose raisins!. Raisins constantly make u poop so pooping alot will get rid of all that food and fat in your body and yall lose weight!.

But yes jumping rope does all that stuff!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Rope jumping is an excellent cardio workout! It takes 2-3 months to see results from a new workout so be diligent and patient!

I think 2-3 weeks will show an improvement!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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