How does one gain the desire to starve themselves?!

Question: How does one gain the desire to starve themselves!?
so, this question I've asked once before
and i got very stupid and blunt answers saying
"don't starve yourself, you'll just get fat"

and i know i'll get bashed and shunned for asking this question, but if you're going to answer with
"Do not do it"
then please, do not answerWww@Answer-Health@Com

Thats basically what Im doing, I use to be super thin!. I was 5'6 and 125 lbs and then got pregnant with my 2nd child and gained 60 pounds, super depressing, he is now 4 months old and I still need to lose 30 pounds, It bothers me a ton and my favorite clothes dont fit!. So in the past 3 weeks Ive decided to eat very minimal food, drink alot of water and burn 500 calories a day at the gym!. Its super hard to do at first, but then I just look in the mirror and get really depressed or look at my tiny little jeans that I use to wear and it makes me not want to be this way anymoreWww@Answer-Health@Com

major trauma or upset
continual rejection
being ignored or overlooked by parents or loved ones
feelings of inadequacy
low self esteem
peer pressure
convincing yourself that it is the only way for you to get all the success, attention, other people's pride and envy and all the other things you want -- and that this is your only option!.
Once you're convinced, you'll feel totally driven!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

have really low self esteem and hate yourself!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

be bullied and abused since you where small

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