Is it possible to lose weight even though the scale is not moving?!

Question: Is it possible to lose weight even though the scale is not moving!?
I understand the losing inches thing, but my scale is not budging after 34 pounds lost!. I am wondering if it is possible to still lose weight even though the scale does not reflect weight lost!?

PLEASE HELP! I'm frustrated!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Hey!.!.welcome to plateau land!. You have probably hit a plateau - a temporary level -where whatever got you till here isn't getting you any further!.

But before we get further - congratulations - 34 pounds loss of weight is simply awesome and I know how hard that can be!.

Our body has an excellent adaptation mechanism!. When we are continuously dieting and working out in a similar manner - our body which is initially in state of flux, is slowly learning and soon has the measure of our antics!. It adjusts it's internal mechanisms - lowers the metabolism and tries to combat further harm to its dear fat cells!.

It happens to everyone!. The key to breaking a plateau to introduce change in your program!. What got you here probably wont take you there!. Typically every 6-8 weeks - one must change the way you are eating, the kind of foods you are eating, the exercises you are doing, the reps, the sets, the frequency, the intensity!.

Start by changing one of the above metrics and monitor for a week!. If you try everything at one - you will not know what is working!.

Constantly monitor your progress!. Don't just rely on the scale - use a body fat caliper to measure your body fat percentage!. It is quite possible that you are putting on muscle (which has weight) and losing fat!. Hence the scale is not budging!. Hey it may even go up!. Don't fret!. As long as you are losing inches and body fat - you are progressing!.

So stick on - try the above variations I suggested and you will surely start to see some progress again!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Unless the scale is broken or something you literaly are not losing weight!. However you may very well be decreasing fat and increasing weight in other areas like muscle or gunk in your digestive system!.
Also when some people losse weight they hit a plateu and need to make more changes to keep losing weightWww@Answer-Health@Com

Only if the scale is broken!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

You could be losing fat and gaining muscle!.
Muscle weighs more than fat!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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