I'm in college and I want to workout? ?!

Question: I'm in college and I want to workout!? !?
Okay, I'm 18 years old, and I'm in college!. I'm really motivated to start working out since, for as long as I can remember, I have been tired of being so skinny!. I wanted to ask you guys the proper way of doing it before I begin!.

I have a few problems though!.!.!.

First, I have no equipment!. I have about $100-$150 set aside to spend, so my first question is what equipment would you recommend that I get!? Please be as thrifty as possible!. =)

Second, since I'm in college, I honestly do not have enough time (or money) to be going to the gym or working out for an hour or more!. I suppose my next question is could you please recommend to me a routine that I can easily keep up with and, most importantly, still see great results while I'm focusing on my studies!?

Thank you very much!

Oh an PS!. I know about supplements, but they are just way too expensive!. I'll be doing this all-natural!. =) Www@Answer-Health@Com

College IS a time for changing, eh!?

Don't worry dude, I'm in college too, and my course load is hard enough to put plenty of strain on my time!.!.!.deposits!.!.!.or something like that!. I'm busy too, I guess is what I'm trying to say!.

I really would suggest going to the gym; your college probably has one, and they're usually free to all students!. And if you're really motivated, you can find an hour a day to hit the weights!. Little tip; I read my textbooks on the stationary bike! You'll probably see others doing the same thing, so don't worry about looking silly!.

If you're absolutely opposed to going to the gym, simply buy a set of free weights from Wal-Mart or somewhere similar!. I'd suggest a barbell, two hand grips (one would probably do, if you're getting really tight on cash), enough plates to do the job, and an adjustable bench, preferably one with a barbell rack and a preacher curl pad!. This might run you a bit over your budget, but it's everything you'll ever need for a home gym!.

I'd steer clear of those hexagonal dumbells; yes, they are weights like any other, but they're fixed, and it's more cost-effective to buy interchangeable weights than it is to buy dumbbell after dumbbell!.

And to really build muscle, you need the necessary building blocks!. Since you're steering clear of supplements (yeah, don't blame you, they're expensive even to a non-student), you'll have to get your fill from lean meats!. Grilled chicken and turkey are good sources, so is milk!.

I'd like to set you up with an entire routine, but that would take a long time to type, and it might not suit you very well!. I'll just suggest you visit bodybuilding!.com and look for exercises you can do with your new equipment!. Then, starting out, do one exercise per body part, three times per week!. Once that gets boring, split your body into push, pull, and lower body and use a three day on, one day off approach!.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask me!. Hope I helped!

****Sure! Here's a sample for your beginning routine!. It's not set in stone, and you don't like a particular exercise or find on you like better, by all means change it:

Try to use a weight that lets you reach failure (meaning you can't do another with good form) in the target rep range!.

Day 1: Push
For chest:
-3 sets of push-ups to failure or near-failure; if you can do more than 20 with good form and you have sufficient weights, substitute the bench press, flat or incline!.
-3 sets incline dumbbell flyes, 10-15 reps: I like the incline better than the flat variation (upper pecs make up most of the mass of the chest)!. Supinate your hand position as you come up; start out horizontal at the bottom, bringing them to vertical at the top, being sure to squeeze to get a peak contraction!.

For Shoulders:
-3 sets overhead dumbbell press, 8-12 reps
-3 sets dumbbell lateral raise, 10-15 reps!.As you get to the top, imagine you are pouring two pitchers of water!.

For Triceps: *note, the previous exercises will have already fatigued your triceps, so less work is necessary!.

-3 sets skull crushers (french press) 10-12 reps!. Lie down on a bench or the floor, and using a barbell or two dumbbells, hold the weight straight up in front of you, and lower it to or just above your forehead, keeping your elbows stationary!.

Day 2: Pull

-3 sets of Barbell rows, 8-12 reps
-2-3 sets of Pullups to failure (if you can't do very many, you can jump the distance to the bar and lower yourself as slowly as you can!. These are called "negatives"!.)

-3 sets Alternating dumbbell curl, 10-15 reps
-2 sets reverse (overhand) grip barbell curls, 10-15 reps

-3 sets of Crunches, 20-25 reps!. Abs have a higher degree of slow-twitch endurance fibers, so more reps are needed!.
-3 sets hanging knee raise, to failure

Day 3!.!.!.!.the dreaded legs!. Yes, even beginners shouldn't overlook them!.

-3 sets lunges, 12-15 reps!. You can hold dumbbells in each hand or a barbell across your back, it really doesn't matter!.
-3 sets "step-ups", failure!. Find a step or chair, and basically!.!.!.!.step up onto it!. Your body weight very well might be enough for this exercise, but you can hold dumbbells to make it more challenging!. Just try and push off as little as possible with the other foot, then switch sides!.
-3 sets one-legged calf raises!.

And that's it! However, most of your results will come from your diet rather than your training, so eat enough protein (more than the daily recommended 50 grams) and consume more calories than you burn to build muscle!.

!.!.!.Man, that was a doozy!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Use body weight exercises and make yourself a sandbag!. There's a variety of workouts you can do!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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