I want to lose 10 lbs. how can i do it?!

Question: I want to lose 10 lbs!. how can i do it!?
im 5'1 and weigh 135 lbs!. im 14!. thanks in advance to anyone that gives a *helpful* answerWww@Answer-Health@Com

According to your BMI, your on the border line of overweight, but there's nothing wrong with that at your age!. It you really want to loose weight, I'd suggest making a goal of 5lbs and see if they results are good for you!. Here's how you can loose the weight:

1!. Choosing the Right Foods: Next time your parents go grocery shopping, go with them, and encourage them to buy foods mostly on the perimeter of the store because that's were all the whole foods are!. (think veggies, fruits, whole grain, dairy, protein) Go inside the isles only for things like non-sugary cereals with lots of fiber, whole wheat pasta and spices to make healthy tasty!.

2!. How to Eat: Eat when ever, where ever, but only when your hungry!. If your eating healthy things and eating only until your satisfied you shouldn't gain weight!. Life isn't measured in calories!.

3!. Exercise: Cardio, cardio, cardio!. It's the best way to burn fat!. So try doing it for 30minutes 3 times a week to start!. But keep your heart rate up!. My favorites are jogging, using an elliptical trainer, power walking, dancing and swimming!. Also, to tone up your body, you should try to add some weight training!. Crunches, push-ups and squats are good starters that most people are familiar with, so start with them!.

If you follow the Nutrition + Exercise idea, it should always equal success!. And don't worry so much on weight, think about how you feel!. Do you feel more confident!? Do your jeans feel more loose!? Do you feel like you could run forever!? These are all positive signs!. And don't stress about it!. I would hate for your weight now to cause you to develop an eating disorder now that can haunt you for your entire life!.

Best of luck!Www@Answer-Health@Com

exercise everday

don't eat alot

watch what you eat

have a motivation

have a goal set

after u lose the weight buy a whole new wardrobe

eat better

lunch:sheperds pie
dinner:homemade mashed potatoes

dinner:homemade macoorini

lunch:fried bolongi with cheese sandwhich

dinner:chicken tenders

lunch:baked potatoe
dinner:nachos and cheese

lunch:meat and cheese
dinner:hotdog no bun

dance to cds

jog in place

get on a treadmill and an elliptical if possibleWww@Answer-Health@Com

If all you want to lose is 10lb then a simple juice fast sounds good!. Or "calorie shifting", which is supposed to work pretty well!. Also, calorie counting worked for me!. I tried to keep it under 1000 calories a day but I am a lot smaller than you!. Figure out how many calories you "need" and cut it by about 1/3!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

For an effective way to lose weight, you should try a "calorie shifting" diet plan that is tailored specifically for you, right down to the foods you like to eat!. This will cause your metabolism to be more active, which is the best way to lose weight!. With that, you can lose 14 lbs every 14 days!.!.!.Get some free info below!.


i am14 weight 97!.(healthy)im 5'2i eat right and exercise!.
go to mypyramid!.gov!.its very helpful 4 exercise and a balanced meal tells u healthy weights!.:)Www@Answer-Health@Com

hey if u wana loose weight at home easily u
can try the diets and tips given in this site
regarding weight loss efectively
it has got so many weight loss tips and diets
to help u loose weight easily at home

There is a natural product "SANTE SLIMMING FOOD'!. U may visit http//powerful-lifestyle!.blogspot!.com for more informations!. It helps!.!. u may try!.


learn and practice tai-chi(i know it sounds boring but believe me teach you real self control and breathing techniques that help tp pull out the toxins in your body)!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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