Does Hydroxycut work?!

Question: Does Hydroxycut work!?
The Hydroxycut that you buy at grocery stores does not work at all!. If you buy it from GNC its about $60 a bottle, it is hydroxycut extreme!. That will help you if you take it while you are working out, it makes you heart work harder by pumping tons of caffeine through your blood!. You will also need to take a multi vitamin with it!. It will make you very jittery and in some cases make you sick to your stomach!. It is not the answer for wanting to eat normal and sit around doing nothing!.!.!. it will only give you chest pains or make you throw up!. If you do use it be sure to follow the directions, taking the max amount off the bat will not help as some people seem to think!. Basically it works with your body when you are working out, now if it makes you loose more weight I cannot say for sure!. It is not a quick fix and your not going to magically loose 10+ lbs in a month!. Diet and Exercise are the tried and true ways to look the way you want!. If you want more solid information you should consult your doctor!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Hydroxycut works because it dehydrates you and you lose water weight!. It is very unhealthy and you can suffer from it!. People are all about the number of pounds they weigh and they don't care HOW it comes off!. Since your body is 80% water and water is heavy, if you are dehydrated, your weight drops!.

But, it'll really mess you up!. Don't use it, you can hurt yourself!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I used it last year for a month and at the end of that month I lost 17 pounds!. Really!!!! I stopped because it affected me really bad!. I was very very nervous and jittery!. I had constant headaches!. My weight came back because I stopped using them but I would try getting the Hydroxycut without caffeine!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

no, i saw it on the local news, and Hydroxycut was one of them that was proven to not work!. try green tea, the pills or the drink, it does wonders!Www@Answer-Health@Com

not for everyone and only if your diet is consistant and you do plenty of regular exercise

it will not make up for inactivity and unhealthy eatingWww@Answer-Health@Com

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