Good workouts for people with health problems?!

Question: Good workouts for people with health problems!?
I had major back surgery a little over a year ago, and I never went through physical therapy!. My doctor has cleared me to do normal activity now and I really want to build my muscles up, however I have a difficult time doing so with regular workouts!. I also tend to run out of breath faster than I did before surgery, so I have to work in smaller increments at a time!. Are there any workouts that are good for people with health/flexibility problems (I have metal rods in my back, so I don't have too much flexibility there)!? I'd really like to work on everything, especially legs and abs, so any workout tips and techniques would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Exercises in a pool are great, but hard to do as the weather gets colder!. Because of your limitations, start a walking program!. Add 30 minutes of walking at a brisk pace every other day and you will start to see a difference!. It will be hard at first, but you will work up to it!.

Abs will be harder, because of yur limitations!. You probably can't do sit-ups, but push-ups strengthen your abs as well as your arms!. Laying on your side and doing leg lifts, small arm weights and other simple things will help!. Just don't push yourself too hard off the bat!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

water aerobics!. anything in a swimming pool!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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