How do you lose 22 pounds in a month?!

Question: How do you lose 22 pounds in a month!?
I know this may not be the healthiest thing to do but just help me out!. I only want serious people to answer this!.!.!.please no criticizing! =]Www@Answer-Health@Com

OK please note this would be dangorus and i would not recomend shedding this much weight fast but, doing it is simple

do a lot of cardio exersise such as running, swimming, cyclying e!.t!.c at least 1 hour solid a day as this burns of lots of calories about 1000 in a hard sesion!. Then just take in less calories in the day say 500 and the weight will just fall off!.
Also there are certain fat burning pills that you can take while exercising these do work if done properley although are dangorus!.
And finaly sauna suits are often used to loose the final few pounds by athalites such as boxers before a weigh in as these are very affectiveWww@Answer-Health@Com

It's definitely something you can accomplish!. I myself have done it, though it takes some extreme dedication!.!.

Toss around weights 4 days a week (for about an hour), to help drop weight you will want high reps with low weight, and also incorporate 30-45 minutes of cardio into when you do weights!. On "off" days when you arent doing weights, you will want to do a little extra cardio to still burn calories, if you want a more rapid weight loss I suggest an hour of cardio with about 20 minutes of it being somewhat intense

My diet was pretty much fruits, vegetables, some carbs to help give energy for the cardio, a small amount of protein, cover the basics but you never want to eat until you feel full!. Of course, nothing you drink can be carbonated or a juice high in sugar!. Have 5-6 small meals a day!.

The formula for losing those unwanted pounds is easy - consume less and workout more - the difficulties appear when we really try to put that into practice! There are a lot of temptations out there don't you think!?! I discovered some good information by reading the web resource in the box below, they have a lot of instruction, I worked off 7 pounds by doing as they advised!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

work out ALOT if your not muscled, if you are, work out!. either way, cut down on eating, eat about half or one third of what you noermally would, and eat low fat things!. eat things with alot of fiber, they keep you full for a long time with a little amount of food!. just dont become anorexic or belimic!. trust me, it's no good!. hope you lose your 22 pounds!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Well I lost 30 pounds in a month by not eating anything at all!. I just drank a ton of water and had a piece of candy here and there!. [AND YES, IM BEING SERIOUS!.]

I didnt feel to good about myself, but it really did work!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

seriously: excercise that and healthy eating!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

dont eat late at nightWww@Answer-Health@Com

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