Question: HELP ME LOOSE WEIGHT!!! IM ONLY 13!!!!?
I'm 13, 5'1 and 135 punds!. Im not what you call obese, but not skinny enough to wear a bikini!. I love myself and i dont want to change except for one thing, my weight!. I want to be wearing those tight shirts girls my age wear, and if i could loose weight and flatten my tummy it would be great!. I want to look great for my birthday which is the firsts days of march, so if anyone could please help me i would love that!. My BMI- is 25!.5, and my body fat is 42!.5% and i should weigh between 95- 132 lbs!. I know im only 3 lbs to be "typical weight" but i want to get skinny fast, im not athlete but i am determined to work hard and stop eating bad food!. Just please give me an easy, healthy diet and exercize plan and i will pick you as best answer!. Please help me, you have nothing to loose except 5 minutes of your time and would be earning 10 points and helping a desperate 13 year old loose weight!.
Thanks (ive already asked and iwant to see as many answers as possible!.)Www@Answer-Health@Com

Hello :]

First of all avoid these foods:
Eggs, chips(<--- really bad for you) , butter popcorn,(eat the light butter one), and avoid a lot of cheese!. (Eat it three times a week or 5)

Drinks to avoid: Juice!. You should Only drink organic or v8 juice!. Please no juices, they have high fructose corn syrup, so please don't!
Also, sodas, only once a week if you have too!. But its not good at all!. Try diet soda!.

Drinks to drink :] haha : Milk every two days or once a day!. Water, drinking water alone can help lose 5 pounds in a week! I know this sound funny but tea for using the restroom!. If your umm haha poop is hard, whenever you eat it gets bloated!. sO if your umm!.!.!.poop is soft!.!. haah you wont get bloated!

Goods foods: veggies! Deff broccoli! Broccoli and cheese soup is really good!
If your bored and crave, get a celery stick!. To eat ha;f of it burns about 15 calories!. Veggies again: They cleanse your body and remove waste!. veggies: Bannanas arent very healthy, but are still good!. I reccomen watermelon or straw berrys!. If you want, take a bowl fill it with milk, and put strawberries in there!. if you like :]

Exersice; do it wheneverr!! stretch and do pilates!. box with the air ;}

gooood luck!Www@Answer-Health@Com

I'm 22, 5'2, and weigh 90lbs, at the most!.
I'd suggest going for a run at least once a day, and don't eat foods with a lot of fats in them!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

http://homegear!.com/r/!?q=23127846&r=1143 is a link for a free diet profile Maybe they can helpWww@Answer-Health@Com

eat less fat foods and eat your greens for a whole month it really works trust me!Www@Answer-Health@Com

I know your situation!. I'm 13, 5'6" and like 140lbs!. And i don't think that ppl understand when they say to just go off and eat healthier or exersice cuz it's not that easy!. just try and back off of the junk foods and if ur about to eat it, ask yourself if u rlly actually need it or just want it!. then that usually helps me!. if ur still starving, go and eat a gronola bar or something cuz it's way better for u than chips!. um!.!.!.!. work rlly hard in gym class!.!.!.!. and maybe do some extra sit ups and leg raisers at home!!!! hope i helped!Www@Answer-Health@Com

First, the ideal weight for a grown woman of 5'1'' is 106 to 127 pounds [ 20 to 24 BMI ]!. Less than 20 is underweight; 25 BMI is considered overweight; 30 BMI is called obese!.
1] avoid all fried, fast, and junk food/drinks - even diet
2] take a good multivitamin with minerals daily
3] drink 1/2 gallon of water a day
4] Eat daily:
3 servings lean protein
3 servings whole grain bread, cereal, rice, pasta
3 servings low fat dairy
3 servings veggies
2 of fruit
3 Tbsp!. of low fat or reduced fat margarine, salad dressing, or mayo a day
1] to LOOSE weight, do 30 minutes of aerobic exercise six days a week - walk, dance, swim, bike, run, etc!.
Add 5 min per week til you build up to 45 minutes per day!.
continue three days a week to maintain weight!.
2] do 3 sets each of ten reps of pullups, pushups, situps, obliques, crunches tree days a week, alternating with
3] lifting light weights three days a weekWww@Answer-Health@Com

Hey (: you answered my question about how many calories I should have

I couldn't help but notice we're in the exact same situation!. My birthday is at the begining of March too (March 1st) and I really want to look good in a bikini!. I tried to e-mail you, but I couldn't so I'll answer your question

I would say drink a lot of water
Do wall sits (listening to a song makes it go by faster) for about 1-2 minutes 3 times a day
Walk, you should walk about 15 minutes a day or more!. Plus you walk at school dont you!? From class to class!? Well maybe you could hurry to class, put ur books down, then walk around the hall quickly and get back to class in time!.

I really want to lose 25 pounds cause I weigh 134 pounds and I'm 5 foot 4!.

To fill you up try a peanut butter banana smoothie,
They're really good, not too bad for you and fill you up for a while!.

You could chew gum to avoid eating foods you know you wan't but can't have!. Lol I'm chewing gum right now

Look at bikinis online that you think would be really cute on you, and print it out and put it on ur wall for motivation!.

Treat yourself! You can't just eat healthy, work out, eat healthy work out!. You should treat your self!. Maybe 3 m&ms every friday, or a diet pop on sundays!

Good luck

Also heres the reason I wanted to e-mail you!. I really need more motivation, because I've been trying to do this for a year, and its not working out!. So I was wondering if you wanted to be my 'lose weight buddy' I know thats strange, and you don't know me!. But I'm 13 years old and turning 14 march 1st and we're in the same situation!. I understand if you feel uncomfortable since this is the internet but you can email me at omgitspaytonx@yahoo!.com

If you want more proof of me being an actual teenager thats 100% okWww@Answer-Health@Com

Don't panic!. At age 13 you are healthy!. I understand the pressure of feeling comfortable in a bikini!. Make sure you do this the healthy way!. Starving yourself or throwing up after you eat will make you gain weight or give you a heart attack!. It takes time and discipline to lose weight!.

First you should start by drinking more water each day!. At least 64oz, and more if you work out!. Your urine should be clear!. Hydration is important in weight loss!. It cleans yours skin and body of toxins, speeds up your metabolism, burns calories, and gives you energy!. Most of time you think you are hungry it's really thirst!.

Second, eat smaller meals!. You don't have to finish your plate!! Especially if you are eating out!. Portions are out of control these days!. Do a google search for "portion distortion" and look at the slide that compares serving sizes 20 years ago compared to now!. Obesity wasn't a problem 20 years ago!. As Americans we are bread to want more more more!.

Third, start walking!. If you don't like to exercise you don't have to join the gym!. Go for walks, get a dog, jump rope, join a dance class!. Just have fun!. Any form of movement is will burn calories!. Biking, swimming, and running are the best!.

Another solution is Weight Watchers!. They changed my life!.

The major thing you need to keep in mind is that it won't happen over night!. You need to be patient!. Don't eat fried foods, chinese food, pizza, or too much bread!. Increase you vegetables, fruits, and nuts!.

Stay confident and motivated!Www@Answer-Health@Com

hi i kayla an i can help you with your weight i must say i have an overweight cousin but here is what you are looking for

Now you could jog around the block 2x's a week

jump rope after running

sprint from your neighbors mail box to yours 15 x's count out loud [this helps alot i did it]

try to eat less junk food

eat more vegetables

dance to your favorite songs even if u cant dance do something close to dancing [do it for 2 hours or 3 you choose this also helps]

here you have a simple weight loss plan very simple and easy kayla weight loss plan want to talk email me at


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