Do squats make your butt flatter or rounder/toned? ?!

Question: Do squats make your butt flatter or rounder/toned!? !?
i'm confused!. so my friend and i were debating about squats!. i said that squats tone your butt and make it look rounder!. and helps girls with flat butts form muscles to make it toned and bubbly!. my friend on the other hand said that squats make u loose the fat you have on your butt and replace them with muscles and make you even flatter!. and you'll end up with rock-hard butt!.

so now i'm confused, coz i don't wanna end up with a flat butt!.
what do squats really do to your bumm!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

Your butt is a muscle!. It contracts to pull the hamstrings upward, meaning when you stand up from sitting you use your butt muscle!. When you use a muscle, it becomes bigger, so squats will give you a rounder firmer buttWww@Answer-Health@Com

Squats are good for anybody physically capable of doing them!. Performing any kind of work will burn fat, although lifting is the least efficient way of burning it!. Endurance exercises really tap the ATPs stored in the fat, although it's worth noting that shorter, more intense exercise will ultimately burn more calories!.

Anyway, the bottom line is that squats will help your appearance in the end as well!. For most people, the muscle will become toned, but some naturally skinny people will remain generally flat!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

uhmm you're friend might be right in some cases!.
My friend has a really nice butt and all the guys always look at it!. I asked her what she did to get it like that, and she said squats!.
I had a small butt in the first place, and I wanted to get it more rounder like you put but it didn't even do anything!. If anything it made it smaller and theres barely no fat, just muscle!.
I think it really depends on how you're genetics is!. If you have a big butt it will improve and make it better!. But if your butt is already small, it wont do much, unless you do like 60 squats a day!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Smaller but rounder and toned!.
The reason for that is when you do squats your working your hamstrings and quad leg muscles!.
Your hamstrings are the curved muscle in the back of your thigh!. They go from above the back of your knee to mid-butt!.
Therefore when your doing squats and lunges it works your hamstrings making your butt more toned and round!.
Squats wont work your bum as much as lunges though!.
So if you want a nicer toned bum I would suggest lunges!.
Hope I helped =)Www@Answer-Health@Com

it depends on the shape of your butt, but it's going to tone it, not make it flat!. it may not be naturally rounded so it won't become that way through squats!. but if your butt is already flat all squats will do is harden it up!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

having fat on your butt wont make it sexy at all!.!. and it wont be firm and rounded either!.!.!. But squats can actually help you burn the excess fat and build some thickness in your butt which will make it more rounded and sexy

Deep squats for a better butt


Your butt size and shape are mainly determined by genetics and diet!. You would have to be one squatting fool to have the affects you are talking about!. Girls with nice butts are blessed in that area!. Other girls have other blessings!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com


Squats greatly improve your strength and muscle tone and will enhance the shape of your butt making it more round and firm!.!.!. squats will not give you a flat butt!! Sitting on your *** all day will :o)Www@Answer-Health@Com

Oh trust me they work!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

It will tone the glutes (and legs), which give it a firmer, "rounder" appearance!. Ever see skaters and speedskaters, wow!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Don't do them, until you find out what they do!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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