Yet another six pack question.?!

Question: Yet another six pack question!.!?
Hi there, I'm look to find a six pack!. I'm about 5'10'', 156 pounds!. I've been working out for years and know how to life weights!. I was wondering what is the best way to get a six pack!. I love my fruit!. I eat A LOT of fruit, which I'm afraid you're going to tell me I have to cut down on, due to the sugar!.

I can see my six pack, I can see vertical line that goes in the middle of the six pack!. My upper abs or defined but I can't tell where each individual ab is!.

My major question is, in order to get a better six pack, do I need to restrict myself of calories to lose that little weight on my stomach!? But my problem with that is, I still want to build muscle which you need to intake more calories than you burn!.
Would protein shake help!?
I eat two bowls of cereal for breakfast, would cutting down to one bowl help!?
If I'm planning on getting a six pack for a certain date, how far in advance should I plan to get this!?

Any suggestions would be great, especially the ones coming from people that have been through this!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Those other answers were freakin spam!. Just go to www!.bodybuilding!.com (I am not advertising, they just have good info) and check out their six-pack pages!. I went through this at fourteen, and I got one in around two months!. I did running (I was on track), tried to only drink water and diet soda, and did losta ab workouts!. I still have this six-pack even after track is over, and I have put on bodyfat but it still shows clear when I flex!. Protein helps a lot, especially whey but don't get a kind with a lot of fat in it (like a protein bar)!. Basically, protein, drink restrictions, ab workouts, and cardio workouts are the way to go!. Good luckWww@Answer-Health@Com

Muscle growth and slimming are contradictory activities!. If you want and strong lean body you build the muscle by taking in a lot of calories and doing strength training exercises!. Then you reduce your caloric intake to lose the fat!. If you are not consuming lots of calories you will not be growing muscle!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

read this and you will really know the secret of six pack best luck

Lots of protein shakes, oatmeal, and chicken alfredo!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

go to the corner store and pick it upWww@Answer-Health@Com

hey i know you can't see me but i have had a six pack all when i was in high school and there are a few specific things you must do to ascertain a 6 pack!. First drink a lot of water especially a bottle when you wake up!. Definitely continue to eat healthy and cut back on fats and high caloies run a lot that helps so much!. And do variations of ab workouts to see what works!. I hope i could help!Www@Answer-Health@Com

excuse more on themWww@Answer-Health@Com

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